True Beauty of Life Lies in Non-Violence

Published: 08.10.2020

Today, the whole world is in crisis, such a terrible and destructive condition did not come in human life ever. On one hand there is a crisis of the corona epidemic and on the other side there is an atmosphere of world war. We have to say goodbye to those habits, instincts, ambitions and desires from which we descended on a slope where the pace is fast and we are losing control of the conscience, which results in the destruction of human beings, the depravity of life and creating an insensitive environment. The main problem today is that humans are not seeing anyone else from the point of view of other humans. He is looking at it from the scale of wealth, the rank, prestige and power.

Where does violence rise from? Violence does not drip from the sky, nor does it originate from the ground. Violence arises out of a man's emotions. If violence is not felt, weapons manufacturing industries will automatically come to a standstill. The corona epidemic is the culmination of a distorted mentality, violence and ambitions. The inner environment of man has become distorted; and the conclusions are war, epidemic, pollution, exploitation of nature, violence and corruption. Whereas the inner beauty is non-violence, compassion, friendship, love and mutual harmony.

We have to adopt an attitude that sees everyone equally. When this inner beauty is not there, then even the rich man seems very poor. The epidemic, which spoils the beauty of the body like leprosy in a beautiful body, is making the open declaration that the face of creation is not the same as seen in the mirror of corona epidemics and the clouds of war. The face is still very strange. There are deep wounds on the body of humanity, which cannot be filled by plastering and banding. There is a deep disparity among the world's inhabitants. Some people have access to basic amenities, residential bungalows and closets, while the rest of the population hardly gets a roof at night. This inequality and poverty-rich imbalance is the root cause of the problems.

Non-violence, mutual brotherhood, and compassion is the solution to the problems of the present era. In this way, to increase external beauty, first the inner beauty has to be increased and for that non-violence is the best means. Humans have compassion, love, friendship, equality, sensitivity. All the qualities, they are all revolving around non-violence, moving around in its essence. Ahimsa is the greatest beauty of life. It should be developed. How are you, this is a question before us. "The quality of our lives is a mirror of what questions we ask ourselves," says motivational speaker Tony Robbins.

Immorality is arising in society and it results that man has no compassion but having non-violence, no sense of friendship and equality. Today, entering the 38th year of my initiation, I was thinking that we not only have to change the way we live, but we also have to uproot the causes whose hold has negated even our surroundings, situation and identity. The changing rites in the name of modernity gave the lifestyle such a face and character that the breaking beliefs, openly accepting of immoral means in business and work.Selfishness, negligence in food,  drinks-dance; our new generation is adapting this kind of lifestyle and forget about mutual communication,  limitations and responsibilities.

There are many issues which have put a question mark on our lives. The view of the streets of Delhi came before me. In this metropolis, where many big buildings are built every day, why should there be such a condition of the roads there? But as just said, selfishness comes in the way. The building is my own, the road is not mine. Need is the mother of invention. Matches, needles, thread etc. were invented as per the need and today the whole world is benefiting from it. Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati and its non-violence training promote non-violent lifestyle. If there is quality in the undertakings, it is beneficial for the people, then one day the whole world will accept them. Why should we be worried that not all people are listening or accepting our words?

Born from the senses of Lord Mahavira is true - 'Dhammo Shuddhasya Chittai' religion rests in Shuddhama and another name of Shuddhama is Ramana in its nature, seeing oneself by itself, non-violence, living purity and morality. Religion is not pretense, not fanaticism, but it is a revolution of absolute personal development. The person responsible for the success and failure of life is himself and his acts. Living these acts and practices of life in an ideal manner and analyzing their morality-immorality, their goodness and evil etc. by themselves, this is what gives us health, strength, inner beauty, right means and facilities as well as life.

Truth cannot be interviewed due to lack of light. The man understands the rope as a snake and the snake a rope. No matter how weak the light is, it is very helpful in revealing the truth. On the basis of this truth, we have been searching for reality, and have been engaged in the creation of good men. Not today, for 38 years, that order has been ahead. We did not confine ourselves to the measures we found, considering them as offerings and distributing them to the people. In my view, he can only search for a man whose third eye has been opened. Two eyes are in front of the middle of the head, but our third eye is in the middle of the bee. In today's medical science, it is considered as the place of pineal gland. The third eye is neither associated with dearness, nor with unpleasantness. It deals with the only truth, and the one who sees the truth can only find the man. As writer Shannon Brown says, "We change ourselves or the situation, this courage is not out there." Is within us. '

I have my own scale of evaluation of man. Today, almost everyone has the impression that someone who has a lot of wealth is considered big. But my impression is different. There will be many such millionaires, who would be hesitant to accept even a big man. If they do not consider the qualification then they cannot be placed in the category of man. How can a man who is insensitive, heartless and cruel be considered a man? Man is the one who has mankind.
Why should we forget even for a moment that we are not men? If seen, the basic problem today is that the identity of the man himself and others has been lost. The whole crisis is about identity. The label of what we are, not willing to accept and what we are not is being forced. The behavior of himself is not like that of a man, yet if there is a context, then he says that I am a man, I am not an animal and I am not ready to treat my servant like a man. Only by removing these life-long anomalies can we find solutions to the problems of the present.

Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati
Acharya Lokesh Ashram

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      1. Acharya
      2. Acharya Lokesh Ashram
      3. Ahimsa
      4. Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati
      5. Body
      6. Delhi
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