HereNow4U - Living Jainism Tour 2006 - 06.03 Ahimsa Yatra : Hariyal - Tamkor (3)

Published: 25.04.2007
Updated: 29.11.2012

25th November 2006, 10:30 – 12:30

Samanijis (Jain nuns) on Ahimsa Yatra
The manifold impressions of this morning are difficult to put into words and images; nevertheless, we have compiled a selection thereof to transmit some facets of the atmosphere. In two disciplined rows, about 30 Samanijis followed the Jain flag. The atmosphere among them was full of happiness, they obviously enjoyed to be present this morning, when H. H. Acharyashree was about to enter his native place. They greeted onlookers, responded to their remarks without slowing down the speed of their march, and moved resolutely towards destination. It seemed they knew not only the climate, but also the straight schedule of the welcome function. So they hurried to have some food before it started. Again, they proved masterly time and energy management.
Rural families watching Ahimsa Yatra Rural families watching Ahimsa Yatra, lay followers joining Ahimsa Yatra

Many rural families had come to watch passage of Ahimsa Yatra; they focused the attention of their children to it, looked with respect to lay people, and bowed down when the saints arrived. The women's faces were covered with shawls, but they visibly enjoyed the variety of what they saw and also looked a little proud that such an important saint originated from their region.

Acharya Mahaprajnaji surrounded by monks and lay followers on Ahimsa Yatra

Acharyashree was the centre of a bunch of monks and lay followers. They all concordantly moved forward and showed the same expression of deep concentration. The landscape behind them seemed to disappear in the ever present desert sand, purifying skin and mind.

Mumukshu sisters (novices) on Ahimsa Yatra; those wearing man made flower garlands took Diksha (were ordained) in January 2007 Acharya Mahaprajnaji surrounded by monks and lay followers on Ahimsa Yatra Three boys desiring to become monks as soon as possible march in front of Acharyashree's chariot

Mumukshu sisters preceded the procession, headed by those who recently had taken Diksha, easily to recognise by the man made flower garlands around their necks. Two boys of 8 and 9 years, longing to become Munis as soon as possible, were happy to be admitted in front of Acharyashree's chariot.

Mumukshu sisters (novices) on Ahimsa Yatra About 30 Samanijis (Jain nuns) on Ahimsa Yatra Tired of walking

All approached Tamkor where many people waited for them. All preparations were finished in time; now the only thing left was to wait for arrival of Ahimsa Yatra. Some kids, tired from walking, seated down on the back of the slowly proceeding loudspeaker car.

Women and girls escorting H.H. Acharyashree Acharya Mahaprajnaji surrounded by monks and lay followers on Ahimsa Yatra Rural ladies bowing down before H.H. Acharyashree

Laywomen ofTerapanth Mahila Mandal meanwhile had taken the head position of the procession; they had waited at the roadside for Ahimsa Yatra to escort it to town. Spectators bowed down when the saints passed.

Blowing of conch to welcome Ahimsa Yatra Welcome to Ahimsa Yatra on horseback Samanijis approaching Tamkor

Some gave big conch blows to announce arrival of the saints. Others honoured arrival of Ahimsa Yatra on horseback. Samanijis formed an escort for Acharyashree, before them, Mumukshu sisters marched, and before Mumukshu sisters women of Terapanth Mahila Mandal.

Gyanshala students (learning to read ancient Jain scriptures) waiting for Acharyashree Gyanshala students in Tamkor Welcome of Ahimsa Yatra in Tamkor

At the entry of Tamkor, Gyanshala girls formed a row of honour, welcoming Ahimsa Yatra by devotedly bowing down and praising Acharyashree. After the girls, Gyanshala boys continued the row of honour.

Arrival of Ahimsa Yatra in Tamkor

Acharyashree’s arrival at Tamkor, viewed from the balcony of Ratan Lalji Nahata’s house, where Ahimsa Yatra stopped, and Yuvacharyashree entered for Gochari.


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      1. Ahimsa
      2. Ahimsa Yatra
      3. Concentration
      4. Diksha
      5. Gochari
      6. Gyanshala
      7. Mahila Mandal
      8. Mandal
      9. Mumukshu
      10. Munis
      11. Tamkor
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