HereNow4U - Living Jainism Tour 2006 - 02.3 Kolkata - At Sushil's & Supyar's Home

Published: 07.01.2007
Updated: 29.11.2012


The next visit was to Sushil’s and Supyar’s home. The eldest of the Gadheya sisters, Abhilasha, came with us and after another adventurous drive through Howrah we stopped in a busy road. Supyar hurried to the entrance of a building and Sushil said, “We are longing such a long time for it, finally both of us can receive both of you in our home!” While ascending the staircase, we remembered our first contact with him.

In November 2003, Karuna had come back from her trip to India, where she had participated in 2nd IPMC and stayed 4 more weeks close to H.H. Acharya Mahaprajnaji in City Lights Terapanth Bhawan, Surat, where H.H. held his Chaturmas.

Karuna (talking to Supyar), Sushil & neighbour Nita Jain Abhilasha Gadheya, Sunita Sethia, Supyar Bafana's friend, Supyar Bafana

During her stay she made many friends, among them S. M. Jain, Surat, and his youngest son Sudanshu. S. M. Jain, Surat, was the columnist of all events during H.H. Acharyashree’s Surat Chaturmas; Sudanshu is a Mumbai based software engineer, who in October 2003 had founded the JainTerapanth group, to give a platform for discussion and information to those who were interested to exchange their views. It was in the JainTerapanth group, where we got into contact with Sushil.

Karuna, Sushil Kumar Bafana, Amirata Gadheya, Abhilasha Gadheya. Sunita Sethia, Supyar Bafana's friend

Since then, many talks, emails, later even reports consolidated our friendship; since autumn 2004, he has accepted the responsibility of correspondent of HereNow4U in Kolkata. His first report in his function of correspondent was on 26th September 2004 on ‘Training Camp for Gyanshala Trainers in Kolkata’. From the beginning of our friendship, he provides us with informations and reports and did never hesitate to answer any query we needed for clearance. When the requested information was not immediately with him, he untiringly contacted friends and professionals until he had collected all facts and then reliably came back to us.

Aparigraha, Sushil Bafana, Amrita Gadheya, Abhilasha Gadheya Neighbour Nita Jain, Aparigraha, Sushil Bafana, Amirata Gadheya, Abhilasha Gadheya

Sometimes there was a nearly telepathic understanding between us. This was even topped by the personal encounter, which was the meeting of old friends; we had the impression to know for much longer as the time in each other’s presence.

Supyar Bafana, Sunita Sethia, Aparigraha, Sushil Bafana, Amrita Gadheya, Abhilasha Gadheya, Nita Jain The two friends Supyar Bafana and Sunita Sethia

When Supyar and Karuna talked to each other, Supyar talked in her mother tongue and so did Karuna. Harmony between hearts and minds are the base of those 80% of our human communication skills we normally are not aware of. Supyar and Karuna experienced this in perfection; they normally are living at different corners of the world, they do not have a common language in words, but in heart!

Nita Jain and Supyar Bafana Sunita Sethia and Karuna

When we approached the front door of Sushil’s and Supyar’s home, Supyar appeared and gave us a welcome smile, which at all times would have invited people to come in, no matter from where they originated.

Sunita Sethia and Karuna Sushil Bafana and Abhilasha Gadheya

We entered a home that could have been located everywhere in the world, Berlin, New York or Kolkata. A home where people live and laugh and cry, where they are happy and unhappy, where the transitoriness of life is known and where people are in high spirits when guests from far away are coming to their home. It was a very long time ago that both of us had enjoyed such an atmosphere!


Supyar’s friend Sunita Sethia was also there, and while Supyar was busy with us, Sunita had prepared a fresh tomato soup at home which she immediately offered to us with a big smile. This smile did never disappear from her face, moreover, it included her eyes.

Karuna and Supyar Bafana Supyar Bafana, Sushil Bafana, Abhlasha Gadheya, Nita Jain, Sunita Sethia

Then we had nice talks together, and Sushil showed all rooms of his home to us. When we entered the kitchen, we were almost dazzled by the many boxes in the cupboard. We wished we could have stayed for dinner, but Sushil reminded the schedule. With Supyar and Sushil, we hurried to the car to be in time for the meeting with Sadhvishrees.

Supyar Bafana (back), Sushil Bafana, Abhilasha Gadheya Sunita Sethia Nita Jain, Sunita Sethia, Sushil Bafana

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      1. Acharya
      2. Berlin
      3. Bhawan
      4. Chaturmas
      5. Gyanshala
      6. HereNow4U
      7. Howrah
      8. IPMC
      9. Jainterapanth Group
      10. Karuna
      11. Kolkata
      12. Mahaprajnaji
      13. Mumbai
      14. Surat
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