Ahimsa Times 175, 2015-02

Published: 11.02.2015
Updated: 30.07.2015

Ahimsa Times


Feb. 3rd, 2015. Various vegetarian organisations and individuals in Rajasthan have shown their serious resentment at the decision of the Rajasthan State Government to open 40 new mechanised slaughter houses in 26 districts of different towns of the state.

Requests and appeals have been sent to the Chief Minister in this regards to withdraw the said decision in the interest of the sentiments and religious obligations of the vegetarian community in general and Jain community in particular, which constitutes a sizeable number. Even now, items like slver foils (barak) are made in large quantities with process using non-vegetarian materials. Revenue of state should not be the only criterion for imposing decisions, which go very much against the sentiments of the people. Rajasthan, probably is the second largest state, in terms of the population of Jain community. There are very few restaurants serving non-vegetarian food in the state, even in towns like Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Alwar and many others.

In this regard Acharya Lokesh Muni also presented a memorandum to the Chief Minister protesting against the new slaughter houses in 26 cities of Rajasthan including Udaipur, Bhilwara, Nagor, Churu, Shriganganagar, Hanumangarh, Dausa, Jhunjhunu, Karoli, Sawai Madhopur, Badmer, Jalor, Pali, Banswara, Chittorgarh, Dongarpur, Rajsamad, Pratapgarh, Bara, Bundi, Jhalawar, Sirohi, Alwar, Sikar, Jaisalmer and Sumerpur. He condemned the project strongly and told CM that Non-violent and creature compassionate organisations will begin non-violent protest against it.

It is noteworthy that after Acharya Lokesh Muni discussion with Mrs. Vasundhara Raje Scindia and protest by Jain Community the Rajasthan, Government Project to construct Modern Slaughter houses in the state has been dropped.


Feb. 2nd, 2015. Mumbai. Doctors following Jain religion have come together to promote 'vegetarian' medicines. From suggesting alternatives to gelatine-coated capsules, and promoting milk-derived calcium, these doctors are going an extra mile to stick to their religious teachings that call for ahimsa or no injury. "People who follow our religion, or ahimsa in general, often don't know that capsules are made of gelatin that is derived out of intestinal fibres of mammals sourced from slaughter houses. Majority of calcium tablets contain calcium derived out of oysters. There is no reason why one should be forced with medicines containing animal products if the alternatives are available," said paediatrician Dr. Bharat Parmar, the president of the Jain Doctors Federation. The group is promoting the concept of 'Ahimsak Chikitsa' by spreading awareness about medicines containing animal products.

"The medicine packaging does not mention the use of animal products. Thus, most doctors, including Jains, are unaware about this. We are popularising the concept through group chats, online forums, conferences and seminars," said Parmar, adding that all medicines in capsule form are also available in tablet form. "Doctors deal with lives and we don't want the concept to come in between life-saving measures. But we are asking our doctors to use alternatives as far as possible," said Parmar, adding that JDF has 15,000 doctors as members in India and more than 2,000 in Mumbai. For example, all hormonal medicines are now made with synthetic sources but a particular hormone, which is a widely-used blood thinner, is still derived from animals. "We cannot ask anyone not to prescribe this medicine," said Parmar.

"If the doctors can, they should tell the patient about animal products in the prescribed medicine. Also, since the information is not available handy, we are encouraging doctors to search about raw materials used in the medicines, so that there is increased awareness," said Dr. Mangal Jain, associate professor, department of pharmacology, Grant Medical College. He added that medical practitioners need to study the preparation in detail, including the drugs' principal ingredients and additives. Jain said drug manufacturers, too, should provide detailed information about their products, including raw material and its source. He said besides gelatine and glycerine used for binding, tallow used for shining, cochineal used for colouring and several flavour enhancers used in medicines contain animal products.

Meanwhile, vice-president of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Manjiri Gharat, said it is very unlikely for doctors to think on these lines. "But it is true that all drugs available in capsule forms are made in tablet form too. There are a few exceptions, wherein the drugs are oil based and a capsule shell becomes a must," said Gharat, adding there may be price variations, too, depending on the drugs.

सरकार द्वारा हिंसा को प्रोत्साहन अनुचित -पशु क्रूरता कानून कितना न्याय संगत?

आज राज्याश्रय के कारण हमारी संस्कृति जो मुगलों एवं अंग्रेजों के शासन काल में भी जितनी प्रभावित नहीं हुई उतनी स्वतंत्र भारत में नष्ट हो रही है। हमारी गलत नितियों के कारण आज हम ऐसी स्थिति में पहुँच गये है कि तनिक भी लापरवाही एवं उपेक्षावृत्ति से हमारा अध्यात्म स्वरूप पूर्णतः नष्ट हो सकता है। जो भारत भूतकाल में विश्व का आध्यात्मिक गुरु था। अहिंस, सत्य, प्रेम, करुणा, दया, परोपकार जैसी वसुदैव कुटुम्बकम् की भावना का संदेशवाहक था, उसी भारत से आज हिंसा, क्रूरता, अनैतिकता एवं पशुओं के साथ विश्वासघात का निर्यात हो रहा है।

आज चारों तरफ हिंसा, आतंक, लूट, क्रूरता, निर्दयता एवं बदले की भावना तीव्र गति से क्यों पनप रही है? सरकार के सारे प्रयास अपेक्षित परिणाम लाने में क्यों असफल हो रहे हैं? जिस पर पूर्वाग्रह छोड़ सम्यक् चिन्तन की आवश्यकता है? सरकार मांसाहार प्रचार एवं भारतीय संस्कृति की मूल अहिंसा की भावना को नष्ट करने वाली कम्पनियों को ताजा मांसाहार उपलब्ध कराने हेतु आमंत्रित कर रही है, ताकि गांव-गांव और घर-घर में चाय, बीड़ी, सिगरेट की भांति ताजा मांस उपलब्ध कराया जा सके। विदेशी मुद्रा के लालच में नये-नये यांत्रिक बूचड़खाने खोल मांसाहार का निर्यात करने तथा पशुधन को विदेशों में मांस की खपत को पूरा करने, बेचने जैसे अमानवीय, अकरणीय, घृणित कार्यों में हमारी लोकप्रिय कहलाने वाली सरकार अत्याधिक रुचि लेकर प्रोत्साहन दे रही है।

भविष्य में पशुओं के पड़ने वाले दुष्काल की तरफ सरकार बेखबर हैं। संसद में जब मांसाहार को प्रोत्साहन देने की योजनाओं पर चर्चा हो उस समय हमारे जन-प्रतिनिधि स्वार्थवश दलों के निर्देशानुसार मूक श्रोता बने रहें तो ऐसे जनप्रतिनिधि जनभावनाओं का कितना प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं? हमारा कर्तव्य है कि ऐसे राजनेताओं को सजग करें ताकि वे अपना दृष्टिकोण बदल दलगत भावनाओं से ऊपर उठ मानवीय भावना का आदर करना सीखें। भगवान् से हम प्रार्थना करें कि उन्हें सद्बुद्धि दे तथा उनकी सुषुप्त आत्मा को जगावे ताकि सदैव अमर रहने का उनका भ्रम समाप्त हो। राष्ट्र की स्थिति का चित्रण करते हुए कवि ने मार्मिक शब्दों में अपनी पीड़ा की अभिव्यक्ति करते हुए कहा - खूनियों के पंजे में उलझ गया देश, गोलियों की गर्मी से झुलस गया देश।फिर भी मुझे जीतना है, वोट चाहिये, मुझको मेरा कत्र्तव्य नहीं,कुर्सी चाहिये।

पशु क्रूरता निवारण कानून की विसंगतियाँ-सरकार पशुओं के कल्याण हेतु जनचेतना जागृत करने के लिए प्रतिवर्ष 14 जनवरी से 29 जनवरी तक राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पशु कल्याण पखवाड़ा मनाती है। पशु क्रूरता निवारण समितियाँ इन दिनों में बच्चों की रेलियों, भाषण प्रतियोगिताओं, निबंध प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन कर अपना कर्तव्य पूर्ण समझ रही हैं। पशु कल्याण विभाग (Animal Welfare Board) बनी हुई है, जिसके अन्तर्गत पशु क्रूरता निवारण समितियां कार्यरत हैं। अहिंसा प्रेमियों द्वारा पशुओं के संरक्षण हेतु सैंकड़ों स्वयंसेवी संस्थायें संलग्न हैं। फिर भी दिन-प्रतिदिन भारत में पशुक्रूरता तीव्र गति से बढ़ रही है। भारत में पशुक्रूरता निवारण कानून बना हुआ है। जिसके अन्तर्गत पशुओं पर हो रहे अत्याचारों, क्रूरता, बर्बरता, निर्दयता करने वालों पर दण्ड का प्रावधान है।

परन्तु इन मूक, बेबस, बेसहारा प्राणियों को उन कानूनों का लाभ नहीं मिल रहा है। कानून के अन्तर्गत पशुओं को प्रताडि़त करना, उनके साथ क्रूरता करना, उन पर अधिक बोझ लादना, ट्रकों में ठूंस-ठूंसकर भरना, एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर ले जाते समय उनको कष्ट पहुँचाना कानूनी अपराध है। परन्तु आश्चर्य इस बात का है कि उनको जान से मार देने पर कोई दण्ड का प्रावधान नहीं है। बूचड़खाने पशु क्रूरता कानूनों का खुला उल्लंघन हैं। पशु मेलों से बूचड़खानों तक पशुओं को पहुँचाने के पूर्व अधिकारियों से वध करने योग्य पशु का प्रमाण-पत्र प्राप्त करने एवं पशुओं के वध करने की जो प्रक्रिया है, वह सब कानून की धज्जियां उड़ा रही है। मानों खेत ही बाड़ को खा रहा है। कानून बनाने एवं उसकी रक्षा हेतु जिम्मेदार सरकार खुले आम पशुक्रूरता कानून का गला घोंट रही है।

कभी-कभी तो मांसाहार करने वाले या पशुओं पर दया न रखने वाले पशु कल्याण विभाग के उच्च पदाधिकारी बन जाये तो भी आश्चर्य नहीं। कानून की विसंगतियों एवं कार्य के अनुरूप योग्यता का मापदण्ड न होने से हमारे राष्ट्र में पशु कल्याण विभाग का कार्य सम्हालने वाले सर्वोच्य पदाधिकारी को मांस निर्यात को प्रोत्साहन देने वाले विभाग का दोहरा दायित्व दे दिया जाये तो भी आश्चर्य नहीं।पशु-पालन विभाग पशु-मारण की योजना बना रहे हैं। पश्चिम का अन्धानुकरण कर आज खरगोश, मछली, अण्डों की खेती जैसी भ्रामक शब्दावली बनाकर जानवरों के प्रति करुणा, दया व प्रेम की भावना मिटाई जा रही है। आश्चर्य तो इस बात का है कि ये सारे कार्य कानून की आड़ में किये जा रहे हैं।

प्रकृति की उपेक्षा करने वाला कानून असंगत-संविधान में भारत के नागरिकों को मनपसन्द व्यवसाय करने का प्रावधान है। 23 अप्रेल 1956 का दिन भारत के पशु जगत् के लिये काला दिन था। इस दिन भारत के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने मानव की करुणा, दया, संवेदना, अहिंसा, प्राणीमात्र के प्रति सभी महापुरुषों द्वारा मैत्री एवं प्रेम के उपदेश तथा जीओ और जीने दो के संदेश को अनदेखा कर पशुवध को भी अपने मनपसन्द व्यापार के अन्तर्गत स्वीकार कर लिया। परन्तु पशु-हत्या व्यापार और व्यवसाय नहीं हो सकता। यह मानवता पर कलंक है। पाश्विकता का द्योतक है। यदि पशु-हत्या मनपसन्द व्यापार है तो फिर भविष्य में विदेशों से अवैध रूप से विदेशी सामान लाना, जुआ-खोरी, वेश्यावृत्ति, चोरी, डकैती, आतंक जैसे अमानवीय कार्यों को भी मनपसन्द व्यापार की श्रेणी में बतलाया जावें तो भी आश्चर्य नहीं? संविधान की ऐसी विसंगतियों को सजग जनप्रतिनिधियों द्वारा दूर करवाना चाहिये और हत्या, क्रूरता, बर्बरता, निर्दयता,अत्याचार जैसे शब्दों की सरकार को स्पष्ट व्याख्या करनी चाहिए।

जो प्राण हम दे नहीं सकते उन्हें लेने का किसी को अधिकार नहीं। सरकार संविधान की आड़ में मायाचार, अनैतिकता, हिंसा को प्रोत्साहन न दे। पद एवं पैसों के लिये असहाय मूक पशुओं की निर्मम हत्या को बढ़ावा अज्ञानता का प्रतीक है। जब किसी का आर्शीवाद हमारा मंगल कर सकता है तो मृत जानवरों की बद्दुआएँ राष्ट्र के अमन चैन का सत्यानाश करने का हेतु बनें तो आश्चर्य नहीं। जानवर बेजुबान भले ही हों- बेजान नहीं है।

क्या अहिंसक समाज के धार्मिक भावना की उपेक्षा उचित है?महात्मा गाँधी ने परतंत्र भारत को अहिंसात्मक आन्दोलन द्वारा आजाद कराया। आज हम स्वतंत्र हैं। हमें वाणी की स्वतंत्रता है। हमारे संविधान का स्वरूप धर्म-निरपेक्षता का है। किसी की धार्मिक भावना को ठेस पहुँचाना कानूनी अपराध है। तब क्या हिंसा का प्रचार कर, टी.वी. पर अण्डों एवं मांसाहार का विज्ञापन कर सरकार स्वयं अहिंसक धर्मावलम्बियों की भावना को आघात पहुँचा संविधान एवं कानून का उल्लंघन तो नहीं कर रही है? जिसकी तथ्यपरक जांच आवश्यक है। नये-नये बूचड़खाने खोल, जानवरों को खेती के रूप में मान्यता दे, खरगोश की खेती, अण्डों की खेती, मछली की खेती जैसी भ्रामक शब्दावली का सहारा ले हिंसा को बढ़ावा दें, भारतीय संस्कृति के अध्यात्म स्वरूप को बर्बाद कर अहिंसक धर्मावलम्बियों की भावना का अनादर करे, कहां तक न्याय संगत है? क्या अहिंसक समाज की भावना का संविधान में कोई महत्त्व नहीं?

हिंसा का विस्तार क्यों?आज हम विज्ञापन के युग में जी रहे हैं। टी. वी., रेडियों तथा विज्ञापन के अन्य साधनों द्वारा प्रचारित व्यावसायिक विज्ञापनों ने इन्द्रिय-विषयों के सेवन की भूख और मांग बढ़ाई है। आवश्यकताएँ इच्छाएँ बनकर पुकार रही है। जिनकी पूर्ति हेतु मानव करणीय-अकरणीय का विवेक खोकर येन-केन-प्रकारेण पद एवं पैसा प्राप्त करने की अन्धी दौड़ में मस्त हो रहा है। मानवीय मूल्यों की वह अपने अनुकूल व्याख्यायें कर रहा है। उसका सारा चिन्तन स्वार्थ, लोभ एवं अहं पोषण से ओतप्रोत हो रहा है तथा हिंसा, क्रूरता, अनैतिकता, मायावृत्ति, अन्याय, अत्याचार, शोषण, दूसरों को दुःखी देखकर प्रसन्न होने जैसी पाश्विक वृत्तियां भी बुरी नहीं लग रही हैं। उसके जीवन का अन्तिम लक्ष्य क्या है? वह कहाँ से आया? क्यों आया? कहाँ जाना है? क्या साथ में लाया एवं मरने के पश्चात् क्या साथ लेकर जायेगा, जैसे मूल प्रश्नों का चिन्तन नहीं कर रहा हैं, फलतः जीवन के सच्चे सुख एवं शांति से वंचित हो रहा है। मानव का यही अज्ञान बढ़ती हुई हिंसा का मूल कारण है। जब तक उसको अमूल्य जीवन की विशेषताओं, मानवीय गुणों के महत्त्व को नहीं समझाया जायेगा, गलत प्रवृत्तियों को रोकना कठिन होगा।

हिंसा के विविध क्षेत्र-करुणा, प्रेम, दया, सहानुभूति, परोपकार, वात्सल्य आदि के अभाव में आज मानव स्वार्थी, लोभी हृदयहीन, क्रूर, निर्दयी, क्रोधी एवं कठोर बनता जा रहा है। वह सहयोग, प्रेम एवं अहिंसा के स्थान पर संघर्ष व हिंसा को शक्ति का प्रतीक मानने की भूल कर रहा है। अपनी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति हेतु प्रत्यक्ष-अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से हिंसा में सहयोगी बन रहा है।पशुओं की हिंसा एवं उन पर अत्याचार मांसाहार के लिये हों अथवा सौन्दर्य प्रसाधनों एवं उपभोग के विभिन्न उत्पादकों हेतु, अनुचित है। पाठशालाओं में टी. वी., माडल, कम्प्युटर के वैज्ञानिक युग में पशुओं का विच्छेदन अनावश्यक है। दवाइयों अथवा अन्य उत्पादकों के परीक्षण हेतु क्रूरता हो या उपचार हेतु काम में आने वाली दवाइयों, इंजेक्शनों के रूप में हो अथवा कुर्बानी, पशु-बलि जैसे धार्मिक अन्धविश्वासों के पोषण से संबंधित हों, न्यायसंगत नहीं। शिकार, जानवरों को लड़ाना, बन्धक बनाना, उन पर पटाखें बांधना, चुनाव प्रचार में उनका दुरुपयोग करना जैसे मनोरंजन के लिये हो अथवा पौष्टिकता के नाम पर खाद्य पदार्थो में मिलाने हेतु हो या आर्थिक लाभ और विदेशी मुद्रा अर्जित करने का लालच ही क्यों न हो, हिंसा बुरी है। मानवता पर कलंक है। मानवीय गुणों का संहार करने वाली है। अतः अकरणीय है, त्याज्य है, कदापि अनुमोदनीय नहीं हो सकती। हिंसा रोकने हेतु सरकार एवं जनता को अग्रांकित बिन्दुओं पर चिन्तन कर अहम् भूमिका निभानी चाहिए।

हिंसा रोकने हेतु जनता का कर्तव्य -
1. जिन वस्तुओं में अण्डे, माँस, मछली एवं पशुओं के अवयवों का उपयोग हों, उनके उपयोग से अपने आपको अलग रखें।
2. हम उन सभी प्रवृत्तियों से बचें जिसमें प्रत्यक्ष-अप्रत्यक्ष पशु क्रूरता अथवा हिंसा होती है।
3. जिन कम्पनियों, कारखानों में उत्पादन अथवा परीक्षण हेतु पशुओं पर अत्याचार होते हों ऐसी कम्पनियों के शेयर न खरीदें।
4. बूचड़खाने के साप्ताहिक एवं घोषित अवकाश दिनों का दृढ़ता से पालन करावें।
5. पाठशालाओं में टी.वी, माडल आदि का उपयोग कर अनावश्यक पशुओं का विच्छेदन बन्द किया जाये।
6. जो राजनैतिक दल हिंसा का खुले रूप से समर्थन करते हों उन्हें तुच्छ स्वार्थों की पूर्ति हेतु किसी प्रकार का सहयोग न दिया जावे।

हिंसा रोकने हेतु सरकार का दायित्व-
1. मांस निर्यात पर पूर्ण प्रतिबन्ध लगावें।
2. सरकारी संचार माध्यमों का हिंसा एवं प्रदूषण को प्रोत्साहन देने हेतु दुरुपयोग न किया जावें।
3. वर्तमान में आयोजित प्रायः अधिकांश पशु मेलों के माध्यम से बूचड़खानों के एजेन्टों द्वारा सरकारी नियमों के विरुद्ध पशु क्रय कर बूचड़खानों में हजारों की संख्या में भिजवायें जा रहे हैं, जिस पर प्रशासन, पुलिस एवं सतर्कता विभाग विशेष ध्यान रखें।
4. सरकार अण्डों की खेती, मछली की खेती जैसी भ्रामक शब्दावली पर तुरन्त प्रतिबन्ध लगावे, क्योंकि ये पदार्थ जमीन में बोकर नहीं पैदा किए जाते।
5. अहिंसक करदाताओं के पैसों का उपयोग जनकल्याण के लिए हो, न कि बूचड़खाने, मुर्गीपालन, मछली उत्पादन जैसे हिंसक उद्योगों में, ताकि अहिंसक करदाताओं के मूल अधिकारों का हनन न हो।
6. पशु क्रूरता कानून को तर्कसंगत बनाया जावे एवं सभी प्रकार के पशु-वध बन्द हों, इस हेतु सरकार द्वारा कानून में आवश्यक संशोधन किया जाये।
7. पेट्रोल का दुरुपयोग रोका जाये, जिससे विदेशी मुद्रा को बचाया जा सके, ताकि विदेशी मुद्रा प्राप्ति के लिए पशुओं का वध और मांस का निर्यात बन्द किया जा सके।

हिंसा की उपेक्षा अनुचित-हिंसा के लिए परिस्थितियां मुख्य नहीं, हमारी असजगता, निष्क्रियता, उदासीनता, तटस्थता मुख्य है जिसके कारण हमारा आचरण अपने कत्र्तव्यों को निभाने में कायरों जैसा हो गया है। कायर कभी अहिंसक नहीं हो सकता? अहिंसक और कायर में बहुत अन्तर होता है। अहिंसक जहाँ सदैव निर्भय, तनाव-मुक्त, प्रसन्न रहता है एवं सजग रहता है, वहीं कायर सदैव भयभीत, तनावग्रस्त, असजग एवं दुःखी रहता है। अन्याय सहने वाले अन्याय करने वालों से ज्यादा गुनहगार होते हैं। अत्याचार का प्रतीकार करना हमारा कर्तव्य है। प्रत्यक्ष-अप्रत्यक्ष पशुओं पर अत्याचार एवं हिंसा करने वाले एवं करवाने में सहयोग देने वालों का समर्थन करने वाले सभी हिंसा हेतु जिम्मेदार हैं।

अहिंसा में विश्वास रखने वाले प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का दायित्व हैं कि अपने समय, श्रम, साधनों एवं प्राप्त अधिकारों का अधिकाधिक उपयोग हिंसा को रोकने में लगावें। मौत से लड़ा जा सकता है, भागा नहीं जा सकता। समस्याओं का समाधान किया जा सकता है, उन्हें टाला नहीं जा सकता। कठिनाइयों का सामना किया जा सकता है, उनकों रोका नहीं जा सकता। फिर महावीर, बुद्ध और महात्मा गांधी की इस पावन पुण्य-भूमि पर ऐसी कौनसी परिस्थितियाँ एवं कारण है कि हिंसा का विरोध करने वाले उसको रोकने में अपने आपको असहाय अनुभव कर रहे हैं। उनकी वाणी, चिन्तन, एवं प्रयास अपेक्षित परिणाम नहीं ला पा रहे हैं। आज हिंसा अहिंसा पर हावी हो रही है। करुणा, दया, क्रूरता, निर्दयता के सामने पराजित हो रही है। मानवीय गुणों पर दानवीय प्रवृत्तियां अधिकार जमा रही है। अन्ततः ऐसा न कभी हुआ है और न कभी हो सकता है। कहीं मूल में भूल तो नहीं हो रही है। जब तक अंगारे के ऊपर राख का आवरण है उसकी शक्ति का पता नहीं चलता। एक चिनगारी लाखों टन घास के ढेर को राख करने की क्षमता रखती है। जो समस्यायें हमें बहुत जटिल एवं डरावनी लगती हैं उनका समाधान मामूली एवं सरल होता है।

आवश्यकता है अहिंसा में विश्वास रखने वाले सक्रिय, सजग, निःस्वार्थीं चिन्तनशील कार्यकताओं, विद्वानों, लेखकों, चिन्तकों, न्यायविदों, प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों, राजनेताओं एवं जन-प्रतिनिधियों को संगठित कर उनमें आत्मविश्वास जगाकर इस महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्य हेतु उनकी क्षमताओं का उपयोग लेने की। उनमें उदासीनता, तटस्थता, उपेक्षावृत्ति, असजगता को दूर कर कत्र्तव्यों का बोध कराया जाए। जब सिंह जागृत हो जाता है तो उसके साथ खिलवाड़ करने का किसी को साहस नहीं होता। हम भी अपना खोया हुआ सिंहत्व जगायें तो अन्याय, अत्याचार की दानवीय प्रवृत्तियों को प्रोत्साहन देने वालों को निश्चित रूप से परास्त होना पड़ेगा।

Article Authored By: Dr. Chanchal Mal Chordia, B.E. Elec., Consultant for Various Effective Drugless self-Curing Therapies for Treatment of Chronic @ Acute Diseases, Telephone: +919414134606, Jodhpur, Website: www.chordiahealthzone.com, www.chordiahealthzone.in




Jan. 27th, 2015. A massive Mahamastakabhisheka ceremony that honors Lord Bahubali was performed at Lord Bahubali Karkala Jain temple. This 10-day ceremony takes place once every 12 years. The rich history of the Mahamastakabhisheka ceremony is performed on a massive Lord Bahubali statue.

On January 21, the official opening of the celebration began with the Mahamastakabhisheka ritual, which involves cleansing the 42-foot statue of Lord Bahubali. This process involves pouring holy water over the statue after purifying it with a concoction of coconut water, sugarcane juice, and sandalwood: each with a special significance.

For example, the coconut milk serves as a symbol of purity, while the sugarcane juice is meant to put an end to hunger. The goal of the cleansing process is not only to purify the statue, but also to purify the individuals who are witnessing the ceremony. According to religious officials, every person that takes part in the ceremony is able to be purified the same as the statue.

This has prompted thousands of individuals to come to Karkala to take part in the purification. During the opening ceremony 108 different kalashas (ceremonial pitchers) are poured over the statue, with an additional 100 being added each day. By the final day of the ceremony, 1008 different kalashas are poured over the statue, ending the cleansing and purification ritual.


Jan. 11th, 2015. Bhopal. Thieves barged into a Jain temple in Nehu Nagar and escaped with 11 chhatras of silver and cash. A case was registered at Kamla Nagar police station of the city. In a year, at least six incidents in which Jain temples were targeted came to light. Temple is multi-storeyed. Temple cultural secretary told, the accused probably knew the temple well and gained entry in second floor from adjoining building and committed the theft. There was a security guard in the temple. Priests and staffers reside in the same building complex, but no one has any idea of the theft. Police have recovered footage of a person from the available CCTV.


Jan. 20th, 2015. Nagpur. Two brothers, identified as Akshay and Prashant Male, have been booked for allegedly stealing cash from donation box of an Itwari based Jain temple where they were employed for maintenance. A closed circuit television camera caught the duo in the act. The temple management, already hassled by relentless thefts from the donation box, had approached cops with the complaint. In the meantime, the CCTV footage was scanned that helped identify the culprits. Sources in the Lakadganj police station stated that Akshay would sneak into the shrine after opening the main gate. He would reach the first floor room where the donation box was kept. He would break the seal and open the donation box using duplicate keys. He would also later restore the seal before sneaking away. An offence was registered against the Male brothers for theft at Lakadganj police station.


Jaipur: Recently held State level Exhibition Rajpex 2015 from 24th to 27th Jan 2015 at Jaipur released picture card with the image of Nakodaji Jain Temple situated near Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

The cards folder is available in Rs. 50.00 and same cards are cancelled with same image MY Stamp i.e. of Nakodaji Jain Temple on Nakodaji Jain Temple Picture Card. Such Picture Card cancelled with 'MY Stamp' is available at Rs. 450.00 per Set. Nakodaji Jain Temple MY Sheet of 12 Stamps is available at Rs. 300.00 each. All material is available at Jaipur Philately Bureau. Contact Person Mr. Rakesh 8058822850. Quantity released 1000pcs.

Sujangarh: Shri Devsagar Singhi Jain Mandir Trust has released a special cover, cancellation and 'MY Stamp' on 2nd Feb. 2015 at Sujangarh. The ordinary cover will be available @ Rs 10.00 each from Philately Bureau, Jodhpur. Contact Person Hemaram Mobile No 9783566251. 'MY Stamp' sheet of 12 Stamp with Temple design will be available from Jaipur Phuilatelic Bureau, Contact Person Mr. Rakesh Mobile No 8058822850. Quantity released 4000 pcs.

I have 1 more suggestion, members should not ask for 50-100 covers for future use individually which unnecessary creates artificial shortage and demand of material. Trustee of Sujangarh Temple shared that 2 of our members in Hyderbad and Calcutta have already taken 500 covers each and hence they are avoiding offering large no. of covers to individual. Regards,Rajesh Paharia,Jaipur,Mobile. 91-9351716969, Phone. 0141-2218283.


Jan. 23rd, 2015. Barkur was an ancient city, and was the ancient capital of the Tulu kingdom. It was once a major trade and commercial centre around 2nd century A. D. and developed much before Mangalore and Udupi. All that remain now of that historical city are just some ruins scattered all around Barkur. Temple no. 1 measures 35' 3"x 21' 6" in length and width has a garbhagriha with an insignificant ante-chamber and a U-pillared mukhamandapa and is enclosed in a stone built prakara. Inside the sanctum is the image of a JAIN Tirtankara. Source: Sudhir Jain, National Chairman: Jainism Philately Group.


India Post issued a beautiful special cover and special cancellation on 29th Jan. 2015 at Baitul (M. P.) during the Philatelic Exhibition TAPIPEX - 2015.

Special cover and special cancellation are related to famous Jain pilgrimage centre Shri Digamber Jain Siddhakshetra Muktagiri situated in the Baitul District. Source: Sudhir Jain.

नाकोडा जी मे बना विश्व का सबसे बड़ा समवसरण - चढ़ावा

शिखर पर ध्वजा का चढ़ावा - जिसकी ध्वजा धरती से १५० फिट की ऊँचाई पर स्थित है, उसका चढ़ावा Rs. 1,11,11,111/- सिंगापुर निवासी ने लिया हैं। श्री पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु को समवसरण में पूर्व दिशा में बिराजमान करने का चढ़ावा Rs. 2323123/- श्री पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु को समवसरण में उतर दिशा में बिराजमान करने का चढ़ावा Rs. 1515115/- श्री पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु को समवसरण में पश्चिम दिशा में बिराजमान करने का चढ़ावा Rs. 1313113/- श्री पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु को समवसरण में दक्षिण दिशा में बिराजमान करने का चढ़ावा Rs. 1515115/- शिखर पर ध्वजा का चढ़ावा Rs. 1,11,11,111/-

क्या आप जानते है के वर्तमान काल में सबसे प्राचीन जैन प्रतिमाएं कौन सी है? श्री अन्तरिक्ष जी तीर्थ का इतिहास।

१. श्री नेमिनाथ दादा, गिरनार तीर्थ।
२. श्री शंखेश्वर पार्श्वनाथ दादा, शंखेश्वर तीर्थ।
३. श्री अन्तरिक्ष पार्श्वनाथ दादा, शिरपुर।

हम सब गिरनार तीर्थ और शंखेश्वर तीर्थ के बारे में तो बहुत कुछ जानते है, किन्तु अन्तरिक्ष पार्श्वनाथ के बारे हमें अधिक जानकारी नहीं है। श्री अन्तरिक्ष पार्श्वनाथ तीर्थ की कुछ मुख्य बातें।

४२ इंच की अन्तरिक्ष पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु की प्रतिमा ११,८०,००० वर्ष प्राचीन है! प्रतिमा जी मिटटी और गाय के गोबर से प्रभु मुनिसुव्रत स्वामी के काल में बनी थी। प्रतिमा की स्थापना देवलोक से स्वयं देवों ने की है न की किसी मनुष्य ने। प्रतिमा जी जमीन को नहीं छूती, यह बिना किसी सहारे के पूर्णतया हवा में है और इसके नीचे से कपडा भी निकाला जा सकता है! इस प्रतिमा जी का जिक्र सकल तीर्थ वंदना में भी आता है जो रोजाना प्रातः प्रतिक्रमण में बोली जाती है। इसी से इसकी महत्वता का पता चलता है। परम पावन, प्रगट प्रभावी, अत्यंत प्राचीन, ऐतिहासिक श्री अन्तरिक्ष पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु की महिमा का वर्णन करना लगभग असंभव ही है। इस सब के बावजूद जैसे हर चीज़ के अच्छे और बुरे दिन आते है उसी प्रकार ये तीर्थ शायद अभी अपने बुरे समय से गुजर रहा है! इतना महत्त्व का होते हुए भी बहुत कम लोगो को इसकी जानकारी है। श्वेताम्बर तथा दिगम्बर समप्र्दाय के आपसी झगडे के कारण आज ये अति प्राचीन प्रतिमा जी जिसकी नित्य प्रक्षाल और नवांग पूजा होती थी आज एक कमरे में बंद है तथा केवल एक झरोखे से दर्शन ही किये जा सकते है। शिरपुर नज़दीक अकोला, महाराष्ट्र में स्थित इस तीर्थ के दर्शन वंदन को अवश्य जायें तथा प्रभु के दर्शन वंदन कर अपना जीवन सफल बनाएं।



Jan. 13th, 2015. Ahmedabad. A Jain sadhu Jignesh Muni Maharaj, 52, allegedly committed suicide by slitting his throat with scissors in Naranpura, Ahmedabad.

The deceased's body was found by his associate Mahesh Muni Maharaj at their abode Sthanakwasi Jain Sangh's upashray in Vijaynagar Colony. Mahesh Maharaj immediately called his neighbors for help. Cops reached the spot after Digish Shah, 49, one of the neighbors informed Naranpura police about the incident. The police found a suicide note near the body which read, "I am going to meet my Guru to attain salvation. Forgive me.

I know that killing self is a crime but I am committing it in my conscience." "Jignesh Maharaj had also mentioned a few Jain Maharajas' name in the note seeking forgiveness from them," said the police. Police said, "Maharaj was suffering from mental illness for the past eight months for which he was also undergoing treatment. We will hand over his suicide note to a handwriting expert. According to prima facie investigation, it appears that he committed suicide. However, we can confirm it only after receiving the post-mortem and handwriting expert's report." Maharaj, a native of Kalol in Gandhinagar had taken diksha at the age of 17 along with his father. However, his mental health had started failing after his father's death.



Jan. 14th, 2015. Chennai. It was quite the mela of sorts at a recent exhibition hosted in the city by Sashi Nahata and Sheetal Jain. The ladies got together to check out the wide range of fashion accessories, jewellery and home decor and designer wear.

Held at a posh hotel in the city, the exhibition saw a good turnout of women dressed in their fashionable best. Sheetal Jain, dressed in an asymmetrical kurta and leggings made for a perfect host, along with her pal Sashi Nahata who looked elegant in her sequined top and long flowy skirt.

Education baroness Mariazeena Johnson and TV actress Chandra Lakshman were among the other well-known faces to be spotted.




Minority students may get a loan of upto Rupees twenty lacs without interest to study in foreign countries. No Interest on this amount will be paid by the students. Ministry of Minority Commission is giving this facility under their scheme "PADO PARDESH". Those students who have already taken loan for the year 2013-14 may also apply for refund of its interest. This facility is available for Higher education, PhD, and research. For borrowers, the total income of the parents from all sources should not be more than six lacs. Source: Dr. M. C. Jain, Mob: 9810548428.



These are the most illustrious honours by the Government of India for individual achievements. The following are the recipients of Padma Awards for the year 2015 in different categories. Padma Vibhushana Award - The Padma Vibhushana Award for the year has been conferred upon D. Veerendra Heggade for meritorious services to mankind.

Padma Shri honour are conferred on Shri Sanjay Leela Bhansali the noted film director, Shri Ravindra Jain, Music Director of Bollywood and Rahul Jain, Delhi for contributions in the field of Art.Please accept our warmest and most sincere congratulations and good wishes! We shall be with you in spirit during your celebration of this great honour.


Jan. 23rd, 2015. London. Britain's Prince Charles was presented with a special Ahimsa Award at Potters Bar, Jain temple for his compassion and tolerance towards humankind, animals and nature by at a special sermony to celebrate twenty-fifth anniversary of the Institute of Jainology. The heir to the British throne visited the Jain Derasar temple at Potters Bar in Hertfordshire to mark the 25th anniversary of the Institute of Jainology. The Institute of Jainology was established in London with an aim to promote Jain principles of compassion and non-violence towards all living beings. Completed in 2005, Jain Derasar is the largest Jain temple in the UK and the only one in Europe to be constructed employing ancient Indian architectural styles. The temple is a collaboration of Indian architecture working in conjunction with British architects and engineers. It is built on beams and counter-balance and, like in ancient times, the building contains no steel. It is located on 80 acres of green belt land surrounded by lush landscaped gardens. Prince Charles is known for his keen understanding and study of the various religions that are practised not only in Britain but abroad. He is also recognised for fostering a dialogue between the West and Islam. Speaking at the ceremony..............................

Ladies and Gentlemen: I am most grateful and deeply touched by your generous gesture in giving me this award. Ahimsa is clearly a sacred principle which we should all try to follow as a matter of course, but if I have earned it at all, I can only imagine it may be something to do with my inadequate efforts to help curb the harm we do to the one and only precious earth that sustains us all.

I am enormously flattered that you have invited me here to open your newly refurbished Assembly Halls and to tour your magnificent temple. It was particularly fascinating to learn the meaning behind the many carved patterns and the structure of the Derasar, even down to why it is aligned on its North Easterly axis. It is as if every inch of the building reflects the meaning of those universal principles which underpin all of the world’s great sacred traditions. It is worth remembering, perhaps, that before the advent of the modern era, every culture around the world - and for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years - found that the same patterns and geometric relationships express the same principles that are universally considered sacred to life - which is a warning to us, surely, not to ignore them…

I was particularly struck by the fact that each carved stone or section of the building arrived here from Central India like bits of a giant jigsaw, and they fitted together so precisely and perfectly that the pieces themselves hold up the entire structure. Not only is this a wonderful example of the sort of enduring excellence in engineering found in traditional architecture and traditional craftsmanship, but it is, of course, also profoundly symbolic of the truth about the very nature of the world in which we live. Every aspect of your remarkable temple serves to emphasize the fact that we live in an intricately interconnected and inter-dependent, living universe, where no one thing exists separately from all of the rest. Being Jains, of course, you know this, but I am afraid it is a fact only too often ignored, or even rejected, by the current mainstream approach, with all the terrifying environmental consequences that such denial is visiting upon us. How important, then, that in this corner of the English countryside you have created such a very special beacon of truth.

And because of the extraordinary inclusiveness of Jains, this is a place accessible to all; from visiting school groups to faith representatives of various creeds, all are welcomed and received so graciously. So, at a particularly heightened time of anxiety for us all, when horrific violence is being inflicted upon so many innocent people around the world, supposedly in the name of a particular faith, and by people who have so monstrously distorted the original message of its founder, it is of even greater importance to recognize your ancient, but constant message of reverence to what is sacred and to appeal for greater understanding and tolerance between those of different faiths, or of none at all. We all have a duty to work for greater harmony between the religions of the world, especially when, as now, tolerance is being so severely tested. In this sense I was struck by the images in your temple that demonstrate so clearly how Nature, herself, depends upon diversity. So, to have a diversity of faith traditions requires that very diversity to be informed by the imperatives of civility and of courtesy because, ultimately, as your own practice shows, each tradition is an expression of the same Divine truth.

If I may say so, this is Jainism’s great contribution. You demonstrate clearly that, rather than reject, we must embrace the “otherness” of the other. After all, in truth, there is no exclusion, given that everything is bound by the benevolence of the Divine. So thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for welcoming me here today and for showing me such civility and courtesy.


Feb. 6th, 2015. Samyak Jain, a class 3 student at Delhi's Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, claims he can read completely blindfolded!. Samyak is no miracle, and neither is he a nature's freak. He simply says that whatever he is able to do is the result of hard training: His mid-brain is activated with the help of a well thought-out programme that enables him to function as good as anybody else, but with his eyes closed.

Says his father Sharat Jain, a finance analyst: “We came to know of the mid-brain activation technique while searching for neuro-science related stuff some years ago. This concept has been in vogue for more than two decades in countries like Malaysia, Singapore and Japan. By the time Samyak’s summer vacations were over, I started looking for something similar in India and found that a similar centre has been opened near our place.”

The mid-brain, also known as me encephalon, is responsible for our visual and auditory senses. Sharat elaborates, “The mid-brains of children go into some kind of hibernation state by the time they are born. It can be re-activated through unique sound waves, but only in the age bracket of 5 to 15 years.”

In scientific parlance, mid-brain activation is a technique that utilises the capabilities of the area in between the left and right brains. This area works as the processor of information and channels the communication between the two sides. “In Mahabharata, we read about Sanjay who could narrate the incidents of the battle field while sitting somewhere else. It could be due to the activation of his mid-brain. We also hear about saints who could tell things without looking at objects. The unique music of temple bells could have activated their mid-brains, but of course we can’t say anything with surety,” explains Sharat.While cross-examining the claims of Samyak’s prowess, it was quite evident that the child is enjoying the attention he is getting. “We consulted some neurologists and they said it’s normal. Samyak is a very calm and happy child. He has been told to not take media exposure very seriously. Had this training been here some 20-30 years ago, we would have also been benefitted,” added Sharat.Rachna, Samyak's doting mother, vouches for the difference she can see in her child's personality since the beginning of the classes. “He wasn’t at all interested in music, dance and painting, but now he is doing everything.” This task becomes even more difficult in a society which is optimally scared to visit counselors.


Jan. 25th, 2015. Delhi. Wing Commander Amit Jain, Flying (Pilot) is posted as Flight Commander of a Cheetal / Cheetah Helicopter Unit operating in the Siachen Glacier. He is a Qualified Flying Instructor and an Examiner, and has more than 3500 hours of accident / incident free flying.

On 18 Jul 2014, an urgent request from Leh district administration for a causality evacuation was received. Wing Commander Amit Jain was authorized to lead a two helicopter formation for search and rescue of a critically injured mountaineer with broken ribs, shoulder, pelvic bone and spinal injuries. The mountaineer had a vertical fall of 40 feet from the Stok Kangri peak.

The location of the mountaineer was ambiguous and the prevailing weather in the entire sector was marginal, which made the mission even more challenging. Despite the limited time and sketchy information available, Wing Commander Jain along with his crew members displayed extreme swiftness and professionalism in planning the mission. Having reached the area, he quickly analysed the situation and marshalled the resources at hand for an efficient search. He located the casualty at an altitude of 21050 feet on a steep slope. The inhospitable terrain coupled with operations at the extremities of the helicopter flight envelope left no margin for error. He kept flying close to the casualty and encouraged the struggling mountaineers, who were in waist deep snow, to tow the casualty towards the landing spot. Braving the inclement weather and turbulent winds, he manoeuvred and attempted to land his helicopter close to the casualty on the treacherous terrain marred with loose snow and crevasses. He was able to execute a landing 50 feet from the casualty on an extremely restricted ledge protruding out of a steep slope at an altitude of 21000 feet. Assessing the small window of opportunity available in an avalanche prone area, he instructed his No 2 to carry out a landing at a lower elevation to conserve fuel. He used his experience and well calculated judgement to fight against all odds to successfully save a precious life. Throughout this act of gallantry, Wing Commander Jain led the high risk mission effectively in the face of inhospitable terrain, inclement weather and extreme aircraft limits showcasing exceptional courage, extraordinary flying skills, exemplary leadership and professionalism.

For this act of exceptional courage, exemplary leadership, resolute determination and highest level of professionalism, Wing Commander Amit Jain has been awarded with Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).


Feb. 3rd, 2015. Mr. Sidharth JainChittoor Collector received the National Award for the successful implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), registering 99.88 per cent target in linkage of Aadhar for payment of wages to workers for the year 2013-14.

Mr. Jain received the award from the Union Minister for Rural Development Chowdary Birendra Singh at a function held at New Delhi. The officials from the district water management agency (DWMA) were also present.


Jan. 31st, 2015, Lucknow. Arvind Kumar Jain has been appointed as the new Director General of Uttar Pradesh Police.

A 1979 batch officer, Arvind Kumar Jain has been appointed as the new DGP replacing A K Gupta, who has retired.

Arvind Jain was posted as DG Training before this.


The Jinakanchi Jain Mutt, Mel Sittamur, the Head Mutt of Tamil Digambar Jains & the Tamil Nadu Jain Federation jointly felicitated Dr. Thiru R. Kannan, IAS, Ph.D, Additional Chief Secretary, Tourism, Culture, Endowments, Govt. of Tamil Nadu for his Contributions in preservation & documentation of Jaina sculptures, bronzes & heritage centre's, when he was Commissioner of Museums & Archaeology Dept.

He was given title as “Jaina Tholliyal Kavalar“ by Swasthi Sri Lakshmi Sen Bhattaraka Bhattacharya Maha Swamigal at Appandi Nathar (Bhagawan Parsvanathar) Temple, Thirunarumkundram, near Udumalpet during the Grand Annual Function called Narkatchi Vizha on 1st, February, 2015, wherein most of the Tamil Jain community meet.

The Tamil Jain community immensely benefited by his observations like Preservation of Structures, Sculptures, Bronzes and its Period, Antiquity etc., during his visit to the Temple. Thirunarankundram is one of the ancient centers of Jainism. A Jain assembly called the ‘Veera Sangam’ flourished here under the leadership of Gunadhara Muni. Over the hillock, is a cave temple of great antiquity with bas-relief sculptures of Lord Parshwanatha (Appandainathar). The temple which is well known through the periods of Chola King Raja Raja I and Kulothunga 11).

He has also written two books as Iconography of the Jain Images in The Government Museum - Chennai in 2001 & Iconography of the Jain Images in The Districts of Tamil Nadu in 2002. The books are published by The Commissioner of Archeology and Museums, Government of Tamil Nadu, which was instrumental for declaration of Jains as Minorities by Govt.of India and Tamil Nadu. Source: Mr. R. P. Jain, E-Mail: .



Feb. 2nd, 2015. Mumbai. Till a few months ago, Nisha strutted down the streets of Manhattan in her branded clothes and accessories. Now, Nisha Kapashi walks barefoot, wearing simple white robes and eating sparsely on whatever alms she gets. From spending all her waking hours slogging at work, she now devotes her time chanting spiritual mantras and hymns.

Kapashi, 27, who was a fashion merchandiser for J Crew in New York, on January 18 took Diksha, the process of seeking a serious spiritual path by renouncing materialistic life and pleasures. While Nisha is now at the Sammet Shikharji Tirth in Jharkhand. According to her father, his daughter was an outgoing and fun-loving person till she suddenly got interested in Jain philosophy. She went out, partied and had fun till she suddenly got interested in the Jain philosophy. We then knew she was very happy in what she was doing and didn't want to step in her way of taking diksha. At J Crew, a luxury fashion brand with over 300 stores across the United States, Kapashi was earning a hefty salary. She lived in Walkeshwar as a child and went to JB Petit High School for Girls and Jai Hind College before moving to New York, where she joined the Fashion Institute of Technology. She then did a one-year fashion designing course in Florence, Italy, and a three-year fashion merchandising course in Manhattan.

Jain monk Naypadmasagarji Maharaj said it is not easy to give up all the riches and luxuries. "But this is the right path and she has chosen it correctly. It only leads to the pinnacle of happiness," he said.


Jan. 18th, 2015. Dr. Santosh Kumar Chordia: Jain Bhagwati diksha was granted to Dr. Santosh Kumar Chordia on the 26th January, 2014 at Jodhpur in the holy presence of Shraman-sanghia Up-Pravartak sant Shri Vinay Muni Ji Maharaj (Bheem). On the eve of diksha, a ceremonious reception was arranged in his honour in Mahavir Bhawan at Jodhpur in the holy presence of several saints and sadhwi present on the occasion. A message of eulogy was presented to him on behalf of Shraman Sangh. Disciples of Sthanakwasi Shraman Sangh from various parts of the country and abroad participated in the celebrations.

Jan. 25th, 2015. Sushhri Khushhbu Bagrecha: born in 1988 at Hubli (Karnataka), and belonging to Kalyanpur, Dist. Barmer (Raj.) has accepted Jain Bhagwati Diksha from Sadhwi-Pramukha Mahasati Shri Gyan lata Ji M.S. and Mahasati Shri Maina Sundari Ji M.S. at Hubli (Karnataka).

Jan. 25th, 2015. Sushri Shilpa ji Surana: born in 1989 at HUbli (Karnataka), belonging to Khandap, (Dist. Barmer) has also accepted Jain Bhagwati Diksha from Sadhwi-Pramukha Mahasati Shri Gyan lata Ji M.S. and Mahasati Shri Maina Sundari Ji M.S. at Hubli (Karnataka).

Jan. 25th, 2015. Shri Om Prakash Ji Jain and Shri Ravi Ji Jain: both belonging to Vill. Maujpur and Hindon City respectively, and presently living at Jalgaon, accepted Jain Bhagwati Diksha from Shri Mahendra Muni Ji maharaj, disciple of Shri 1008 Hira Chand Ji Maharaj Sa, in the holy presence other saints present on the occasion and sadhwigan, Mahasati Shri Sushil Kunwar Ji Maharaj, Mahasati Shri Saubhagya vati Ji maharaj and others.

Source: Shri Jain Ratna Sangh, Mahavir Bhawan, Near Bala JI Chowk, Gangapur city, Dist. Sawai Madhopur (Raj.) Phone: 09140-32058.


Feb. 3rd, 2015. Mumbai. A band of musicians thundered away at the gate of Daulat Niketan in Walkeshwar, as 28-year-old Mansi Jhaveri bid a final farewell to her parents and family. She accepted diksha to become a monk.

Those waiting below, some wrapped in satin robes after returning from their morning puja at the nearby temple and others in office clothes, were busy pushing and jostling for a glimpse of this B.Com graduate.

Mansi, who had prepared for this moment for three years, was dressed like a bride with the necklace of sparkling diamonds. One last time, she entered the Walkeshwar temple, built a century ago by her ancestors in colorful attire with family in tow. Her family was in tears but she was smiling throughout.



Here is a selection of some good books on Jain history.

History of Jainism: By Kailash Chand Jain, Set of 3 Books, 2010 23 cm x 15 cm 1378 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 3500/- for the set.

The Jain Sources of The History of Ancient India: 100 BC - AD 900, By Jyoti Prasad Jain, 2005 22 x 14 cm 222 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 425/-

Life in Ancient India: As Depicted in The Jain Canon & Commentaries, 6th Century BC - 17th Century AD, By Jagdish Chandra Jain, 1984 22 x 14 cm 509 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 650/-

The A-To-Z of Jainism: A Historical Dictionary of Jainism, By Dr. Kristi Wiley, 2014 22 x 14.5 cm 286 pages, Paperback, Rs. 295/-

A Comprehensive History of Jainism: From the Earliest Beginnings to AD 1600, By Asim Kumar Chatterjee, Set of 2 Books, 2000 22 x 15 624 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 950/-

Jain Legend: Authentic History of Jainism, By Acarya Hastimal, (Abridged English translation of ‘Jain Dharma ka Maulik Itihas’), English translation By Shugan Jain and P. C. Surana, Set of 4 books, 2011 22 x 15 cm 1186 pages, Paperback, Rs. 600/-

Jainism: History, Society, Philosophy And Practice, By Agustin Paniker, First published in Spanish in 2001 as El. Jainismo, First published in English in 2010, English translation by David Sutcliffe, 2010 22 x 14 cm 540 pages + 48 art plates in B/W, Hardcover, Rs. 1395/-

Jainism in North India: 800 BC - AD 526, By Chimanlal Shah, Foreword by H. Heras, 2007 25 x 16 cm 296 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 720/-

Jainism in Southern Karnataka: Upto AD 1565, By S. P. Chavan, 2005 22 x 14 cm 223 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 580/-

Jain Contribution to Varanasi: 13 Scholarly Essays by Various Contributors, Ed. R. C. Sharma & Pranati Ghosal, 2006 22 x 14 cm 166 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 360/-

Jainism: Rishabha Deva To Mahavira, By K. L. Chanchreek & Mahesh Jain, 2013 22 x 14 cm 416 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 1400/-

Jain Religion: History & Tradition, By K. L. Chanchreek & Mahesh Jain, 2013 22 x 14 cm 276 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 1000/-

Jain Social Life: Ancient and Medieval India, By K. L. Chanchreek & Mahesh Jain, 2013 22 x 14 cm 300 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 1100/-

Jain Economic Life: Ancient & Medieval IndiA, By K. L. Chanchreek & Mahesh Jain, 2013 22 x 14 cm 187 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 700/-

Jainism & Western Thinkers: 13 Scholarly Essays by Various Western Indologists, 2013 22 x 14 cm 375 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 1400/-


Jain Dharma Ka Itihas: By Kailash Chand Jain, Set of 3 books, 2005 23 cm x 15 cm 1140 pages (approx.), Hardcover, Rs. 1650/- for the set

Yug-Yugaantaron Mein Jain Dharma: Jainism Through The Ages, By Hiralal Jain, 2000 22 x 14 cm 142 pages, Hardcover, Rs. 300/-

These books are available at Hindi Granth Karyalay, 9, Hirabaug C. P. Tank, Mumbai - 400004, E-Mail:


जैन बंधुओ के लिए विशेष सूचना

जिनशासन के इतिहास में परम पूज्य नयपद्मसागरजी म.सा. द्वारा प्रेरित JIO के अंतर्गत जैन सिद्धांतों का अनुपालन करने वाले चारों सम्प्रदायो के श्रावक एवं श्राविकाओं के लिए स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षा की अद्भुत योजना...... ""श्रावक आरोग्यम्"" भाग-2, हेल्थ पॉलिसी (मेडीक्लेम) का शुभारंभ
सभी जैन बंधुओ से निवेदन है कि इस सुनहरे अवसर का अवश्य लाभ उठाएँ...

श्रावक आरोग्यम् की विशेषताएँ

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Dear Friends - Pl do not believe the false propaganda & rumors being circulated about Shravak Arogyam, It is is a genuine Group Medical Insurance Scheme promoted by Jain International Organisation, Mumbai, under the guidance of PP Ganivarya Shri Nay Padma Sagarji MS (founder of JITO) and supported by Jain Doctors Federation & Jain CA Federation with a view to provide a low cost health insurance policy to Sadharmiks at highly discounted premium. In phase 1 about 218000 families have been covered and claims worth crores of rupees passed in last few months. Kindly note Shravak Arogyam Phase - 2 is already launched now and any Jain family can take benefit of same.

For policy related queries, kindly contact Helpline: 0294-5152123 (30 Lines), For any Collection Centre related queries please contact: 9819659945 or 7303754145, For Phase-1 related queries please contact: 022-66629820, 022-33671000, 022-24033340, 022-24033362, All details available on www.shravakarogyam.com

Any one intending to take benefits of the scheme must check all the issues and identities  of the concerned persons.


Jan. 6th, 2015. Gurgaon. A delegation of the Jain Samaj met Gurgaon Commissioner of Police and demanded the early recovery of idols and other precious items stolen from a Jain temple complex here Dec. 30.

A total of 46 idols and other valuables were stolen from the Sidhant Tirth Kshetra in Sikhohpur village near the Delhi-Jaipur National Highway, 13 km from Gurgaon city. The wall of the Kshetra was broken by unidentified men who fled with the idols, including a silver idol of Adinath Bhagwan, and another of Parasnath Bhagwan along with gold and silver valuables and cash. The delegation said the investigation by officials of the Kherki Daula police station was not satisfactory.


Jan. 12th, 2015. Nagpur. Three elephants which were brought to the city from Uttar Pradesh for Jain 'Panchakalyanak', were moved out amid clash between women volunteers of People For Animals and Jain community members. A formal complaint was lodged by the PFA volunteers with Koradi police station. Leader of the Jain group Sumant Lalla, has been charged by PFA leader Karishma Galani for misbehaving with two women colleagues, denied the charge saying. Lalla said he, along with other community people had gone to Nara to ensure safe release of the elephants as per the court orders, but PFA activists were not allowing the elephants to go. We had contracted for the elephants, it was our responsibility for their safe release. The veterinary doctors too declared the elephants fit for release. The release of the elephants was put on hold after Union Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi called up CM Devendra Fadnavis' office. CM's Principal Secretary Praveen Pardeshi asked the forest officials to wait, but the elephants were released. There was high drama as PFA volunteers had reach Nara depot demanding that rules be followed prior to the release. It is alleged that senior forest officials of Nagpur circle openly allowed violation of rules to hide their own mistake of allowing the elephants in the city without verifying the Transit Pass Rules. PFA volunteer alleged that Jain community members vented ire because they were not allowed to use the elephants for their function in January. They had no business to attack as we were fighting for animal welfare as taught by Jainism.


Jan. 12th, 2015. Madhya Pradesh school Education Minister, Paras Jain allayed minority communities’ fears about mass Surya Namaskar event scheduled on January 12 and said their participation was “not compulsory”. He said those who did not want to participate in the event could sit aside.

The Madhya Pradesh government has been holding a mass Surya Namaskar event since 2007. However, members of the minority communities had been objecting to participating in it as they held that it was a kind of worship which went against the tenets of their religion and the Constitution of India. The minister, however, reiterated that the department had inducted Surya Namaskar and pranayam exercises to make people healthy and they had nothing to do with any religion.

The event, the ninth one in a series, will be held on the Yuva Diwas, the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda in all government schools in the state from 11.30am to 12 noon. This year the students of Class 5 to Class 12 will take part in it. Earlier the students from Class 6 and above participated in it. School Education Minister Paras Jain will join the even at Ujjain's Dussehra Maidan and Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan at Boys’ School stadium in Bairagarh. Event managers said the Chief Minister’s message would also be broadcast during on the occasion. The state government had earlier claimed that the first event had drawn around 66 lakh students from across the state. In 2012, the state government had failed to get it registered as the biggest event in the Guinness Book of World Records.


Jan. 11th, 2015.New Delhi. His community - Rabaris, a livestock-dependent tribe traditionally-addresses him as ‘Bhopajj’ or priest. He dresses up like a cow-herd himself: a long white cloth wrapped around his bare torso, red turban, dangling ear rings et al. With a lathi in tow, he walks into everywhere, even the chief minister’s office in Rajasthan. Otaram Devasi, 48, happens to be the Rajasthan’s minister in charge of cow affairs. As for himself, India’s first-ever minister for the ‘divine’ bovine likes to address himself as “Gaupalan Mantri”.

BJP and Vasundhara Raje had promised a separate ministry for cows in its poll manifesto. And when the party came to power with Raje as CM in December 2013, she promptly announced a ministry for the protection of cows, which was later transformed to a “department” after the move struck a Constitutional hurdle since states can’t set up new ministries. In October, 2014, Devasi was made minister of Dairy and Devasthan - administration of temples that get government funds - with the extra charge of the “Gaupalan department”. His responsibility also includes overseeing Rajasthan’s Gau Seva Commission and Cow Conservation Directorate. Three months into his tenure, Devasi says he is proud of what he has done with securing the future of cows in this desert state. And he believes he has set up a department for rest of India to emulate should any other state want to follow this ‘Rajasthan Model. Devasi, who himself owns “20-25 cows”, wants the canvas for cow protection to be bigger. “I have sought an appointment with Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the Union budget so that I can impress upon him on the urgent need to set up a cow ministry at the Centre,” Devasi tells ET. “I believe if cows have to be saved then every state in India must have separate ministries for cows,” he says, insisting that he’s not being just rhetorical. So what about buffalos, goats, even the state’s official animal, camel? Devasi dismisses the question, almost chiding you for being naive. “Cows have a spiritual importance unlike other livestock animals. They must be protected at any cost. I would request Modiji to ban cow slaughter and, if need be, introduce strong legislation for that,” he says

For Rajasthan, there are three things high on his agenda: clamping down on rampant cattle smuggling, introduction of a helpline number on the lines of 108 ambulance services to help cattle in distress besides starting a one-of-its-kind “sanctuary” for cows near Bikaner or Jaisalmer. By sanctuary, he mans a protected area full of green grass not far from the desert so that the cows, especially those of the indigenous breed, can eat and live in peace. Another day, another time, the 6 feet-1 inch-tall Devasi would have stood even taller among the Sangh Parivar stars. Long before Ghar Wapsi or Ram Mandir became fashionable causes for the typical Hindutva agitator, ‘Gau Raksha’ was the first priority of the Sangh. In fact, the only open public intervention ever done by the most powerful Sarsangchalak of RSS ever, MS Golwalkar, was on ‘gau raksha’.
Source: The Economic Times.


Jan. 27th, 2015. Bangalore. Jain Group of Institutions is conducting a financial literacy programme "Dhan Jaagruti" for all its under graduate and postgraduate students. Dhan Jaagruti, organised in association with Red Lounge Wealth Management and Ozone educates college students on various concepts and give important financial knowledge that will help them make prudent investments. In the sessions, students are briefed on the importance of investments, and the necessity of Pan Card and Demat Accounts. The programme will act as a medium for students to apply for these facilities and become KYC compliant.



Jan. 18th, 2015. Surat. A 72-year-old Jain sadhvi was killed when a truck rammed into her tricycle in Navsari district of Gujarat. Another sadhvi was injured while three sadhvis and two sevikas escaped unhurt in the accident. The truck driver escaped from the spot. Jain leaders have identified the deceased as Sadhvi Riddhi Dharmshri. They admitted Sadhvi Pritiyasha who was injured in hospital. Navsari rural police said the accident occurred at about 5.00am when the group was on its way to Khadsupa Panjrapol on National Highway eight. The truck hit the tricycles of the sadhvis from behind and sped away. Dharmashri died on the spot. Jain leader Mahendra J. Shah has registered a complaint against the unidentified truck driver. He said, "The sadhvis from Panjab Kesari Vallabh Sureswarji Samuday were on their way to Mumbai. They had stayed at Vesma and wanted to reach Khadsupa Panjrapol next day for a night halt." A case has been registered.......... It is noteworthy that such fatal accidents are recurring again and again in Gujarat. The readers will recollect that similar accidents also happened last month. As the community protests were lou?, Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi also expressed his grief and condoled the death of Jain Saints through Ahimsa Times.


These accidents are not because of the walking path/pattern of the Saints but with intensions. The accident in the month of December was such that the vehicle stop before the Saints to allow them to walk as they started walking the vehicle start & murdered the saints.Why accidents of M. S. (saints) are only in Gujarat, Rajathan & Maharashtra from Mumbai to Dahnu?Y not in MP & other parts of Maharashtra.V shld do research & find the persons & there businesses. We all know the name of the group. We shld search for the persons actively involved in the group & there businesses. V shld approach the Creditors & Debtors of them who r Jains & to ask them to stop doing business with them.All of us shod give some time for this. Those who have time may go in Vihar with M. S. others may help in research, not doing business with them, etc.Regards,CA. Yashesh A. Jakhelia,B.Com., F.C.A., D.I.S.A. (ICAI),Jakhelia & Associates,Chartered Accountants,Mob. 9967586811


Suvarna Jain - Today, I happen to operate the Government website for 'Indian Visa Online' while helping my Jain Foreigner friends who wish to visit India. while doing so, I learnt that in the column to select religion there is no option for JAIN immigrants.

Whereas religions that are not even recognised in Indian Constitution have been mentioned in the list for religion selection. JAINISM is one of the oldest and constitutionally recognised minority religion of India.

Yet we see it to be missing from such an important document. Why is this discrimination?. In the wake of Pravasi Bharatiya Program, we wish people / immigrants of all religions are equally treated. In this regard, I have already written letters to the concerned authorities, I request all my JAIN friends to write to all these authorities from your end and pass it to other Jain friends/relatives also for the impact to be earliest action and to show our stand on such matters. the Concerned Authorities where you need to email are:

1. www.indianvisaonline.gov.in, E-Mail: and
2. Ministry of Home Affairs, E-Mail: , , ,
3. Ministry of External Affairs, E-Mail: ,

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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acarya
  2. Acharya
  3. Acharya Lokesh Muni
  4. Adinath
  5. Ahimsa
  6. Ahimsa Award
  7. Ahimsa Times
  8. Ahmedabad
  9. Amit Jain
  10. Bahubali
  11. Bangalore
  12. Barmer
  13. Bhattaraka
  14. Bhawan
  15. Bhilwara
  16. Bhopal
  17. Bikaner
  18. Body
  19. Calcutta
  20. Chennai
  21. Chittorgarh
  22. Churu
  23. Delhi
  24. Derasar
  25. Deva
  26. Devendra
  27. Dharma
  28. Digambar
  29. Digamber
  30. Diksha
  31. Dussehra
  32. Gandhinagar
  33. Gangapur
  34. Garbhagriha
  35. Gujarat
  36. Gurgaon
  37. Guru
  38. Gyan
  39. Hanumangarh
  40. Hindi Granth Karyalay
  41. Hindutva
  42. Historical Dictionary Of Jainism
  43. Hubli
  44. ICAI
  45. Institute Of Jainology
  46. Islam
  47. JAINA
  48. JITO
  49. Jagdish Chandra Jain
  50. Jain Derasar
  51. Jain Dharma
  52. Jain Mandir
  53. Jain Minority
  54. Jain Philosophy
  55. Jain Temple
  56. Jain Temples
  57. Jaina
  58. Jainism
  59. Jainism Through The Ages
  60. Jaipur
  61. Jaisalmer
  62. Jalgaon
  63. Jodhpur
  64. Jyoti Prasad Jain
  65. Kalyanpur
  66. Karkala
  67. Karnataka
  68. Karoli
  69. Kristi Wiley
  70. Kshetra
  71. Kumar Chatterjee
  72. Lakh
  73. Lakshmi
  74. Lokesh Muni
  75. London
  76. Lucknow
  77. Madhya Pradesh
  78. Mahabharata
  79. Mahamastakabhisheka
  80. Maharashtra
  81. Mahatma
  82. Mahatma Gandhi
  83. Mahavir
  84. Mandir
  85. Mangalore
  86. Mantri
  87. Muktagiri
  88. Mumbai
  89. Muni
  90. Mutt
  91. Nagpur
  92. Nakodaji
  93. New Delhi
  94. Non-violence
  95. OM
  96. Pali
  97. Parshwanatha
  98. Potters Bar
  99. Pradesh
  100. Prakara
  101. Pranayam
  102. Prasad
  103. Puja
  104. Rajasthan
  105. Ram
  106. Ravindra Jain
  107. Riddhi
  108. Rishabha
  109. Sadhu
  110. Sadhvi
  111. Sadhvis
  112. Sadhwi
  113. Samuday
  114. Sanctum
  115. Sangh
  116. Sant
  117. Sawai Madhopur
  118. Seva
  119. Shraman
  120. Shravak
  121. Singapore
  122. Sthanakwasi
  123. Sujangarh
  124. Surat
  125. Swami
  126. Swami Vivekananda
  127. Tamil
  128. Tamil Nadu
  129. The Economic Times
  130. Tirth
  131. Tolerance
  132. Udaipur
  133. Upashray
  134. Uttar Pradesh
  135. Varanasi
  136. Vati
  137. Veerendra Heggade
  138. Vidyalaya
  139. Vihar
  140. Vinay
  141. Violence
  142. Vivekananda
  143. Walkeshwar
  144. दर्शन
  145. पूजा
  146. महाराष्ट्र
  147. महावीर
  148. शिखर
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