04.06.2015 ►JVB NJ ►Inspiration | Vol 20 - News & Upcoming Programs

Published: 04.06.2015


Art of Tolerance

Both Tolerance and intolerance are inherent in all three forms of yoga (action), physical, mental, and vocal. Tolerance mends broken relationships, fosters affections, and cultivates respect, while intolerance does the opposite.

Tolerance is a human virtue essential for creating and sustaining a harmonious society. It is also necessary for one's well being and for maintaining a happy stress free life. "To live and let live " is both a social and a personal obligation. A tolerant person possesses the prerequisite of a balanced life. Anyone who cannot put up with internal and external situations with equanimity not only disturbs his own peace but also the peace around him. One who lacks the aptitude to listen, understand, make allowances and respect others' ideas and opinions will always cause strife.The root cause of disputes, struggles, and unrest in life is intolerance.

Physical Tolerance:
Physical strength and stamina varies from person to person. Some People can easily walk five miles to ten miles everyday, whereas others cannot cover even short distances. While all humans share basic physiology, each one of us exhibits somewhat different physical traits.They reflect the life style they have adopted. The rampant physical intolerance evident all around us can mostly be attributed to our modern soft lifestyle.

Mental Tolerance:
Forbearance not only imparts serenity and well being to the practitioner but is also conducive to harmony and peace for others who come in contact with him. Tolerance mends broken relationships, fosters affection, and generates respect.

Verbal Resistance:
Speech, the principle means of communication, has been the cornerstone of human development and civilization. It can bring about unity and stability as well as conflict and chaos. A controlled tongue, which usually means refraining from reacting, can save you from the troubles arising from hasty, thoughtless, or misguided words. Conscious silence, i.e, abstinence from inappropriate speech, is one way to keep the peace. Undoubtedly, there is truth in the saying "If speech is silver, silence is gold."

Views of Acharya Mahashraman from "LIFE, Twelve Golden Principles for Holistic Living"

A look at the Roots of Violence'

Samani Vikas Pragyaji and Samani Ratna Pragyaji conducted an swadhyay session in parallel to Gyanshala on Sunday, May 31. The session started with Bhakti Geet and Meditation conducted by Samani Ratna Pragyaji. Thereafter, Samani Vikas Pragyaji spoke on the topic of violence. She discussed the meaning of violence or Pranatipat, the various types of violence including Arambhaja Hinsa, Sankalpaja Hinsa, and Virodhaja Hinsa, reasons of violence, divisions of human life according to the types of violence, and various measures to reduce violence in our lives. The lecture was very well received by more than 25 audience members who attended the session. Our Kritagyosmi to Samanijis.

Join us for

Annual Spiritual Family Camp

12th June from 6 PM to 14th June until 2 PM 
at Poconos, PA

The theme of the camp is:


Based on the book by Acharyashri Mahapragya


With the blessings of Acharyashri Mahashraman, the camp will be led by four distinguished Samanijis:


Samani Parimal Pragyaji

Samani Vikas Pragyaji

Samani Ratna Pragyaji

Samani Maryada Pragyaji

Camp Dates: 12th June from 6PM to 14th June until 2 PM

Venue: Arsh Vidya, 651 Route 115, Saylorsburg, PA 18353

Registration Fee: $125 per person age 16 & above. 
Free for Annual Danveer, Punyamitra, and Hitaishi contributors, based on a family size of 2 adults and all children under age 16. The fees cover program participation, meals, & accommodation (Private rooms for families; singles share a double occupancy room).

Registration Deadline - May 31, 2015. 
Late Registration Fee - $25 per person

Click here for more information

Upcoming Events

  1. Gyanshala Annual Day -  Sunday, June 7
  2. Annual Spiritual Family Camp -  June 12-14  Arsh Vidya, PA
  3. Gyanshala Summer Prayer Sessions - Wednesdays - July 8 - Aug 12
  4. Blood Drive - September 7
  5. Paryushan - September 10-17

Samanijis from Orlando gracing NJ Center - All Regular Sessions Resume 

We are fortunate to have Samani Vikas Pragyaji and Samani Ratna Pragyaji from Orlando, Florida, gracing our NJ Center until mid June. From May 19 onward, all regular activities at the center have resumed under Samanijis’ guidance. Tuesday evening (7:30-8:30) Preksha Meditation Sessions, Thursday evening (7:30-8:30) Swadhyay Sessions, and Saturday morning (10-12) Prayer sessions are ongoing. Please join in.

Bhajan Competition 2015 Winners - Correction

Our last issue had a misprint about the winners of the Bhajan Competition 2015. Here is the correct information - The first place winner for the JVBNA Bhajan Competition 2015 was Manasi Sulakshana. Natasha Modi was not the runner up, but was the first place winner among the children. Congratulations to the winners and all participants. Our apologies for the misprint.

Santhara fulfilled by Dr. Elaben Sheth

On Sunday, May 24, Dr. Namrata Shah's Mother,
Dr. Elaben Sheth took Santhara at 8:51 AM in the auspicious presence of Samani Vikas Pragyaji and Samani Ratna Pragyaji in Edison, NJ. At 9.24 AM,  her soul departed for its heavenly abode. Let us all pray for her.
JVBNA New Jersey

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                Page glossary
                Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
                1. Acharya
                2. Acharya Mahashraman
                3. Arambhaja
                4. Bhajan
                5. Bhakti
                6. Equanimity
                7. Geet
                8. Gyanshala
                9. Hinsa
                10. JVBNA
                11. Mahapragya
                12. Mahashraman
                13. Maryada
                14. Meditation
                15. Orlando
                16. Paryushan
                17. Preksha
                18. Preksha Meditation
                19. Samani
                20. Sankalpaja
                21. Santhara
                22. Soul
                23. Swadhyay
                24. Tolerance
                25. Vidya
                26. Violence
                27. Virodhaja
                28. Yoga
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