26.09.2015 ►Acharya Shri VidyaSagar Ji Maharaj ke bhakt ►News

Published: 28.09.2015
Updated: 05.01.2017

News in Hindi

Source: © Facebook

Gesture of Vitraagi is itself ideal of Supreme Detachment - सांसो की टूटी माला, अपने हुए पराये, क्षण भर में भूल जाए, वे शमशान में तुझे जलाय! ना कोई मेरा, ना मैं किसी का, धर्म अकिंचन नाम इसी का! Worthy Text 4 U!

Even this body which I consider mine, it’s not mine; then how can other things belong to me? The Dharma that is above the feelings of receiving and renouncing is called Akinchanya. Nobody/ Nothing in this world belong to me!

We spend all our life trying to find out what belongs to me and what belongs to others (apna-paraya). But there’s nothing in this world that belongs to me or to others it is all illusion of mind. Even this body which I consider mine, is not mine then how can other things belong to me? Why should be proud about it and make claims such as ‘this belongs to me’, ‘I give it to someone’ - we should even renounce these thoughts. Here everything belongs to everyone. ‘I own this, I have so much and hence I am superior to others’ when such thoughts come to my mind I am filled with arrogance and expectedly end up in pain. On the other hand when I compare myself to others and realize that I possess very less, others have so much then I end up with frustration. But the day we start believing that nothing belongs to me, then it’s the thought of supreme detachment.

It is very easy as well as very tough to follow Akinchanya. (Out of Dush Dharma) In other Dharma you have something or the other to be done. In Akinchanya there is nothing to be done! The Dharma that is above the feelings of receiving and renunciation is called Akinchanya.

Many a times in life we feel as if there is no one who belongs to us - when someone beloved leaves us then we feel the void due to his absence and think that we have no one who is ours. But these feelings are because of our attachment towards people, and therefore, cannot be called Akinchanya.

True Akinchanya is where we are neither depressed due to loss of someone beloved nor feel detached due to animosity; rather it is when you know that all our joy and sorrows are to be borne by us alone and no one can share it. When we become realize that we are alone in this world we gradually start feeling self satisfaction.

I experienced this feeling. Back in 1989, Chaturmaas was in Gharakota. We were two Munis and one Brahmachari. Body was very weak and ill, those days. Pravachan used to happen in the pandal, which was at some distance from the temple on Sundays. Maharaj ji said, “I won’t go for Pravachans leaving you all alone.” I said it’s not good to prevent people from having this opportunity of dharma dhyan. You go, don’t worry I’ll be fine”. So everyone left for the pravachans and it so happened that I got high temperature and pain increased. How much detached one is, but when in deep pain for a split second one might get the feeling that wish someone was here in these moments. I took my head out of jute mat and found no one around. In those moments I realized and it became clearer to me “really there’s no one who is of anyone, for we are the lone bearer of all our joys and sorrows and unnecessarily we indulge in arrogance and disappointments (sorrows) by making discriminations of yours and mine”

Realizing your Potential

Even the people we consider ours cannot help when we leave this world. Even a king becomes helpless when his own son is dying. Can he order death - “No, you cannot take away my child!” The son who was under his order till date, can the king order - “You cannot leave this world without my permission!” Nobody can do this. Therefore we must build a feeling that we live life in such solitude, such a feeling will help us lead a life of contentment/ will help develop a potential within.

Don’t worry that such a feeling will isolate you, instead it will help you become self dependent; will prevent us from complaining against others. We complain against our own people when they do not help us in achieving our selfish desires; & we complain against because they are not yours. When we start feeling detached, we will become selfless & self dependent. In such a moment our potential increases so much that we become self-dependent & would not need other’s support.

I am alone in the Crowd

Becoming detached doesn’t mean staying away from family, society & all living beings. Rather it means living among them in such a way that I do not need anyone’s support but I am a support to everyone. I am not dependent on anyone - such a feeling is the feeling of Akinchanya (detachment).

Detachment is far away from arrogance or being cut off from everyone else. It is the process of being nonaligned, extremely selfless & self dependent. If we practice then all these things can come in our life.

Whether we live among all worldly objects or live without them - if our mind is not discriminating between yours and mine then wherever we live, we can live our life smoothly. This feeling of yours & mine creates our world & becomes the cause of our sorrows. Can we calmly think over this & try to attain Akinchanya (supreme detachment) in our life? We must make an effort toward this & make our life a better one.

SOURCE - A mix preaching of Jinendra Varni Ji and Muni KshamaSagar Ji by Maitree Samooh!

Source: © Facebook

❖ किंचित मात्र भी मेरा नहीं है, ऐसा अभिप्राय महान धर्म है, मेरा स्वभाव है, अपने से अतिरिक्त कोई भी अन्य पदार्थ मेरा नहीं है, शांति मेरा स्वभाव है मुझे वही चाहिए और कुछ नहीं, ये गर्जना है उस योगी की, शांति के उपासक की - शांति पथ प्रदर्शन [जिनेन्द्र वर्णी जी]

ज्यो ही मानस्तंभ में विराजित समता मूर्ति पर द्रष्टि गयी, इंद्रभूति की अंतर्चेतना जाग्रत हो गयी, अभिमान गलित होकर अकिंचन्य अवस्था को प्राप्त हो गए! - क्या महानता होगी उस वीतरागता की, क्या महिमा होगी उस वीतरागता की...विश्व गुरु की वाणी खीरी नहीं....उनके दर्शन अभी किये नहीं...इंद्रभूति समवशरण में जाने ही वाले है की मानस्तम्भ में विराजित वीतरागता के दर्शन मात्र से अनादी काल का मित्यात्व एक साथ नष्ट हो गया और उनके पता चल गया...इस दुनिया में मेरे से भी ज्ञानी कोई व्यक्तित्व है...और उसी समय उत्तम अकिंचन्य अवस्था अर्थात संसार में न कोई मेरा न मैं किसी, ये तो दुनिया मेला इसीका...ये ज्ञात हो गया...! जय हो उत्तम अकिंचन्य धर्म की...महान वीतराग धर्म की!

--- website: ♫ www.jinvaani.org Jainism' e-Storehouse ---

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  1. Body
  2. Dharma
  3. Dhyan
  4. JinVaani
  5. Jinendra
  6. Jinendra Varni
  7. Muni
  8. Muni Kshamasagar
  9. Munis
  10. Pravachan
  11. दर्शन
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