Ahimsa Times 164, 2014-04

Published: 05.04.2014
Updated: 30.07.2015

Ahimsa Times

Let Mahavir Jayanti be the day to recon the world of human consciousness and its enlightenment. We cannot reduce violence without inculcating consciousness of friendship and togetherness. We cannot remove hunger unless we have self imposed limits to accumulate material wealth. If we keep all the facts as well as the issues on table and then try to find a solution and then when statue of Lord Mahavir comes in front of our eyes, then only one voice will reach our ears that—to solve problems, we should not just march ahead to accumulate wealth and we should not make wealth as the parameter of progress. Find balance between materialism and consciousness and let the problem of materialism be solved by consciousness and the problems in consciousness, solved by materialism. Once we establish fair balance between the two, we would be giving a meaning to Mahavir Jayanti and this will not be useful to human race only but for the entire world.


भगवान महावीर के करुणा और मैत्री के संदेश ही मेरे प्रेरणा स्रोत हैं: आचार्य चंदना

‘वीरायतन’ (बिहार) की संस्थापिका आचार्या चंदना श्री जी का नाम शिक्षा, सेवा, परोपकार और सामाजिक क्रांति के क्षेत्र से जुड़ा है। यह संस्था प्राणी मात्र और उसके अभ्युदय के लिए प्रयत्नरत है। आचार्या चंदना श्री जी से इसी संदर्भ में टोमरी बाबा धर्मदास जी परिसर में साहित्य रत्न डा. मुलख राज जैन से हुई उनकी भेंट वार्ता के कुछ अंश प्रस्तुत हैं:

प्र. आपको मानवता की सेवा की प्रेरणा कहां से मिली?
उ.: मुझे छोटी आयु से ही दूसरों के लिए कार्य करने की इच्छा रहती थी। मां बांट कर खाना पसंद करती थी। जैन साध्वी की दीक्षा लेने पर मुझे आचार्य सम्राट आनंद ऋषि जी और उपाध्याय कवि अमर मुनि का आशीर्वाद मिला। मैंने सोचा कि मैं भगवान महावीर के करुणा और मैत्री के संदेश को विश्व में सम्पे्रषित कर सकती हूं। मैं सोचती थी कि साधुता सेवा के मार्ग में बाधा नहीं है। यही मेरी प्रेरणा के स्रोत बने।

प्र. आपको जैन साध्वी होने के नाते अपवाद सहन करने पड़े होंगे?
उ.: अपवाद तो भगवान महावीर जैसे त्रिकाल दर्शी महापुरुष को भी सहन करने पड़े थे तो हमारी बिसात ही क्या है। जब कोई व्यक्ति किसी महान कार्य के लिए स्वयं को समॢपत करता है तो आलोचना और अपवाद साथ ही चलते हैं। मैंने इनकी परवाह नहीं की। यदि मैं अपना कार्य रोककर इन अपवादों की ऊहापोह में पड़ जाती तो संभवत: मैं सेवा कार्य न कर पाती।

प्र.: आपका प्रमुख उद्देश्य क्या है?
उ.: मेरा मुख्य उद्देश्य है ‘वीरायतन’ जैसी विराट संस्था के माध्यम से जनजीवन में सकारात्मक बदलाव लाना, शिक्षा का प्रसार, रोगी सेवा, असहाय और अभाव ग्रस्त लोगों को सहयोग देना आदि। मुझे गुजरात जैसे राज्य में भूकंप पीड़ित लोगों की सहायता और सेवा का अवसर मिला। देश के अन्य क्षेत्रों में भी मैंने इस संस्था का प्रसार किया और आज अमेरिका तक यह मिशन फैल चुका है। इसके लिए लोग स्वेच्छा से आर्थिक सहायता कर पुण्योपार्जन कर रहे हैं।

प्र.: क्या आपको मानव सेवा के लिए मदर टैरेसा की संज्ञा नहीं दी जानी चाहिए?
उ.: मैं मदर टैरेसा की संज्ञा नहीं ले सकती। लाखों-लाखों शोषित और उपेक्षित लोग सहायता के लिए पुकार रहे हैं। मैं उनके बीच रह कर उनके दुखों को महसूस करना चाहती हूं। मुझे ऐसा कार्य कर आत्मसंतोष की प्राप्ति होगी।

प्र. राष्ट्र के लिए आप क्या संदेश देना चाहती हैं?
उ.: राष्ट्र के प्राचीन गौरव की सुरक्षा करते हुए हमें लोगों को भ्रष्टाचार के विरुद्ध तैयार करना चाहिए। कानून इसका एकमात्र उपाय नहीं है अपितु समाज के सभी वर्गों को इसके लिए अपने उत्तरदायित्व को निभाना होगा। वास्तव में भ्रष्टाचार और साम्प्रदायिकता देश में जड़ें जमा चुके हैं। हमें निराश होने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। मैं चाहूंगी कि सभी लोग राष्ट्र के विकास में योगदान दें, यही मेरा संदेश है।





Mar 10, 2014, Hubli: Two century-old panchaloha idols of Parshwanath were stolen from a Jain temple in Hubli, sending shockwaves among the community.

What has surprised them is the Bhagawan Sri 1008 Chandraprabha Teerthankar Digambar Jain temple is located on the premises of a Jain boarding school which houses hundreds of students.

According to, temple security guard he woke up around 6 a.m. and opened the main door of the temple. Two devotees came in and sat inside for prayers. The door of the inner sanctum was locked and can be opened only by priests. After cleaning the temple, he went for a bath. When returned, he noticed that the door of the inner sanctum broken and the two devotees had left.

The two idols stolen were nearly 100 years old. Subhash C. Gudimani, DCP (law and & order), suspects the miscreants who entered the temple posing as devotees may have stolen these idols.


Giridih, March 27, 2014, A Maoists’ group has reportedly locked up a Jain temple atop Parasnath hill, about 75 kilometres from Giridih in Jharkhand, and warned the trustees of dire consequences if they continued hill cutting to expand the temple complex.

The group has posted red flags and banners in the complex.The Parasnath hill is the place where Mahavira attained enlightenment and is considered very sacred by the community.According to police, they are well aware about the situation and the authorities concerned have already been directed to act in accordance with the situation.

The Maoists have sealed the ‘Chaprakund temple’, basically used by the Digambar sect of the Jain pilgrims as a transit point at the hill top. They have also put up red banners and posters warning the trustees to stop their anti -people or the anti -natural activities on the hill top. The Maoists have also mentioned the name of Jain trustees. Police and forest officials said that a legal battle was going in the Supreme Court between the forest department and the Jain shrine board regarding the Chaprakund temple, which is situated about 8 km from the foothills.

Since the area falls in the jurisdiction of the forest department, the Government is making efforts to acquire the land from the possession of the Jains.


Madurantakam: The Jain sites in Kurathimalai and Koosamalai, two adjacent hillocks in Onampakkam village near Kancheepuram, are in a state of neglect since they were excavated in the early 1970s. While Kurathimalai has Tamil Grantha inscriptions and two rock-reliefs of Jain Tirthankaras, Adhinata and Varthamana Mahavira, the adjacent Koosamalai has six rock beds and a pond used by the Jain ascetics. Historians believe the site was a prominent centre of Jains during the 8th century. Unfortunately, neither the state archeology department nor the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has shown interest in the hills. A couple of years ago, granite quarrying was banned in the area after the locals and heritage enthusiasts moved the court against such illegal activities. Besides the grand rock-reliefs of Adhinata and Varthamana Mahavira,there is a small temple-like structure with Tamil Grantha inscriptions at the entrance to Kurathimalai where Parswanatha (one of the 24 Jain Tirthankaras) stands along with the sentinels Yaksha and Yakshini.The six-line inscriptions,according to Jain scholar Kanaka Ajithadoss,date back to the period of Nandhivarma II,a Pallava king who ruled the region during AD 720-796.

The Tamil Grantha inscription talks about Vasudeva Sidhantha Battara,an ascetic who built this small shrine for Parswanatha, he said. It was Jainscholar T S Sripal, who first informed the department of archaeology of the University of Madras about the Jain monuments on the hills of Onampakkam,said Ajithadoss. Veteran Archeologist Senbhagalakshmi, who was working in the Madras Varsity as a lecturer, rushed to the site and made a detailed study. She notified it as a rare find, he said Devotees from various parts of Tamil Nadu visit Kurathimalai once a month. But access to both Kurathimalai and Koosamalai is difficult.Lack of proper pathways prevents many from going to up Kurathimalai, which is covered by bushes and shrubs. There are steps (hewn into the rocks by Jain ascetics) to scale the hill. But the pathway got blocked by thick vegetation due to neglect. We have cleared the bushes and shrubs from the main areas. But there is a lot left to be cleared, said B Jeeva Kumar,the priest who conducts the monthly pooja in the Parswanatha shrine. As the work to build steps to the shrine progressed with small donations from Jain devotees,what worry heritage enthusiasts is the threat posed by the nearby quarry unit.

Even though quarrying was stopped here a couple of years ago, some units are still functioning near the site. Of late, some private parties have begun to remove earth from the premises adjacent to the hill. We will not allow any activity that could endanger the monuments. But we need government support, he said. Source: Kanaka Ajithadoss, E-Mail:


Moodbidri, March 30th: Santosh Das alias Ghanshyam Das from Chhattisgarh, had earned the notoriety of being a skilled thief of idols from different Jain Basadis and shooting to national fame after stealing idols from Siddhanta Darshana Mandir. He has again been entrusted to police custody on March 28 to facilitate further police investigation.

It may be recalled that idols worth crores of rupees had gone missing from Siddhanta Darshana Mandir under the Jain Basadi here on July 6, 2013. Within a few days, the policemen had succeeded in nabbing Das. Das had confessed to his crime, and was jailed. During further investigations, he had admitted to his role in thefts from various temples including in Dakshina Kannada district. However, he succeeded in securing bail in several cases. The policemen requested the court to entrust Das to their custody for questioning him relating to his possible role in thefts which occurred in Ashwathapura Temple and some other places.



New Delhi, 7 March 2014: Religious leaders and communities tend to come together to mark occasions calling for unity, but they rarely find concord and oneness, decried Morari Bapu, renowned Ram Katha exponent and spiritual leader. Speaking at the 4th International Seminar on ‘Peaceful Co-existence with Focus on Religious Symbols in Islam and Indian Religions’ organised by the Indian branch of Al Mustafa University in association with Jamia Hamdard.

Eminent Jain Acharya and founder of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti Acharya Dr Lokesh Muni in his address emphasized that religion should be a unifying force and should have no room for hatred. Religion brings us together it does not create differences. He added that “while the method of worship can be different, but faith should help us accept the existence of others”. Muni ji said Bhagavan Mahavir used to say that there could be “mat bhed but not mun bhed” (difference of thought but no difference in the heart).

Iran was represented by ambassador Hon’ble Gholamreza Ansari, and Iranian Minister of Parliament and former Speaker Hon’ble Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel. The Iranian ambassador said that time for the transition has come and the new century would see the rise of Eastern civilizations like China, India and Persia. In this scenario it was pertinent that religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and Islam underline the message of peaceful co-existence so that the next transition does not witness bloodshed. Haddad-Adel said “Differences are the blessings of God. But God also gives wisdom to resolve disputes through dialogue,”

Dr. Syed Kalbe Sadiq, Vice President of All India Muslim Personal Law Board, related accounts from the life of the Prophet to stress the need for tolerance. He narrated how Prophet Mohammad had allowed a delegation of Christians to worship at a mosque and reprimanded his devotees who felt they would be disturbed by Christian prayers and bell gongs. Shahi Imam of the 17th century Fatehpuri mosque Molana Mufti Mukarram Ahmed said divisions and unrest are caused due to lack of thorough reading and real understanding of religious books. Giani Gurbachan Singh, the Jathedar of Akal Takht, recited some lines from the Guru Granth Sahib to press the message of unity like “Nanak naam chadi kala, terey bhaney sarvat da bhala”. ("O God! Through Satguru Nanak, may your name be exalted and may all humanity prosper according to your will).

A total of 100 articles were received by the University from across the world on the subject of ‘Peaceful Co-existence with focus on religious symbols in Islam’. In the session deep discussions into subjects like ‘Comparative Study of Religious Symbols in the Civilizations of Mesopotamia, Persia, India and China’ were held. Hujjatula Islam Mahdi Mahadavi Pour representatives of Supreme Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran in India, Syed Jalaluddin Umri Sb President Jamat-e-islami Hind, Acharya Pramod Krishnam President Kalki Foundation, Father Domnic Emanuel Director & Spokesperson at Delhi Catholic Arhdiocese, Saleem Iqbal Sherwani Ex-Minister for External Affairs of India, Hujjatul Islam Maulana Kalb-e-Jawad, Imam-e-Juma, Shahi Asafi Mosque, Lucknow, Hujjatul Islam Ahmed Almi Deputy Cultural Councillor, Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Firdous Ahmad Wani Registrar Jamia Hamdard, Ghulam Yahya Anjum Head Department of Islamic Studies Jamia Hamdard expressed their views on the subject. Source: Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti (R), Founder: Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni, M: 91-9313833222, 91-11-25732317, www.acharyalokesh.org, www.ahimsavishwabharti.org


Center for Jain Studies at Claremont Lincoln University started last year to commemorate the first Jan Ambassador Shri Virchand Raghav Ji Gandhi to USA 121 years ago, Claremont Lincoln University in Claremont California, USA will be holding the 2nd annual lecture on April 25, 2014. The Lecture will be delivered by Professor Christopher Chapple a world renowned scholar of Jain and Hindu traditions. For more information check the link: www.jain.claremontlincoln.org/news-events/the-2nd-annual-vr-gandhi-lectureship-series. Source: Sulekh C. Jain, PhD, Houston, TX, E-Mail:

Jain International Trade Organization (JITO) organized its annual conference titled - 'JITO Connect 2014' on March 22 and 23 at Bangalore Palace. Shri Anil Agarwal, Chairman, Vedanta Resources, London inaugurated the event. This conference was attended by the elite from all over the country, the gathering, estimated to be around 5000.


Veerayatan International is organising Veerayatan Global Conference in the USA on July 11-13, 2014, providing an opportunity to understand various Veerayatan initiatives and to mold its future path to uplift peace and prosperity on earth while advancing principles of non-violence, tolerance and sharing. The conference will be held at Hilton, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, launching new efforts by Veerayatan to promote peace by providing quality education: Acharyaji’s vision is to open 200 “Tirthankar Mahaveer Schools”. Veerayatan has dedicated its work for Seva (Services), Sadhana (Spiritual Development) and Shiksha (Education). Acharya Chandanaji’s able leadership, Sadhvis’ dedicated selfless work, strong support from hundreds of volunteers and participation by thousands of patrons has elevated millions across the globe; however, many more await its benefit. Approximately 400 delegates from across the world are expected, with dignitaries to address this landmark gathering in the history of the charitable world. For Convention information and online Registration please click on www.veerayatan-intl.org/global-conference or www.veerayatan-intl.org/global-conference-registration



While doing research and study about Lord Ganesha for last twenty five years, Shri Ram Kogata and Smt Lalita Kogata have created and collected more than 11000 kinds of statues and paintings of Lord Ganesha. For this, their names have also been included in Guinness Book of Records, Limca Book of Records, India Book of Records, Asia Book of Records & Unique World Record Book. The religious hobby also introduced Kogata Couple to many Jain saints and inspired them to understand Jaina philosophy, tenets and culture. The quest for religious knowledge inspired them to do study and research on Jain religion. During the process, they focused their research on 24 tirthankar of Jain religion. In this process, they decided to compile biography of 24 thirthankars with paintings depicting their life from previous incarnations till nirvan. As a result a book on 24 tirthankars is ready for print after 10 long years of hard work. The book contents include Shastrsar Samunchay, Jain Tatva Vidhya, Chaubis Tirthankar Mahapuran, Shri Chaubisi Puran, Tirthankar Mahaveer aur Unka Sarvodaythirth, Jinsen aur Gunbhadra Swami ka Mahapuran, Shatkhandagam, Ratnakarandshrawakachar, Kayash Pahud, Tatvarth Sutra, Dhavla, Jaidhavala, Gommatsar, Panchsangrahadi, Sidhhantgranth, Dravya Sangrah, Jain Darshan, Uttar Puran, Kartikeyanupreksha, Jain Dharm, Jain Siddhant Praveshika, Jainendra Siddhanta Kosh, Dwadshanupreksha, Panchastikaya Sangrah, Mahapuran, Samyagdarshan, Sarvarthsidhi, Mulachar etc.

The book is to be printed two parts. Part 1 includes colorful story paintings of 24 Tirthankars with complete write up about their biography. The miniature fud paintings have been conceptualised by Kogata Couple and prepared by a National Awardee artists. Part 2 will include Jain principals, tatva and achar (conduct) besides Jainagam in brief, which will easily provide basic and initial knowledge. Kogata Couple is confident that this book will bring a lot of new information in extremely organised manner for the readers. The authors are looking forward to publishers and sponsorers, who can take their work forward through an international quality printing and distribution system. The authors can be contacted at: R. N. Kogata, Lalita Kogata, 608, Hiran Magari, Sector-11, Udaipur - 313002 Raj (India), +91-94141-58870 / 98297-58870, E-Mail:

Fundamentals Of Jainism -  By Jagdish Prasad Jain ‘Sadhak’, 2005 22 x 14 cm 345 pages, Hardcover Rs. 500 - Jainism is one of the oldest living religions of the world. It’s doctrine is based on self-reliance. There is no central god in Jainism to play the roles of creator, operator and destroyer. Instead, Jainism believes, that the world is made up of countless sentient souls/life monads. Each soul has existed eternally and shall continue to exist forever.Jains believe that extremely minute insentient matter (like ultramicroscopic dust) pervades the entire universe. It is drawn to souls that pulsate with dislikes and likes. This dust attaches itself to such souls and causes them to be born and reborn. Thus, these souls remain in transmigration. Souls which are free from likes and dislikes remain impervious to this dust. They ascend to the top of the universe, where they live in eternity, enjoying transcendental bliss. Souls which desire emancipation from this karmic dust pursue the path of enlightened perception, knowledge and conduct and attain liberation once they free themselves of this karmic dust. The Jain religion teaches the path of attaining this transcendental bliss. This book explicates the basic principles of the Jain doctrine with great clarity, evaluating its relevance to the modern world. It begins by tracing the antiquity of Jainism from archaeological and literary sources. It discusses the principles of Jain ethics and highlights the role of enlightened perception, knowledge and conduct in day to day life. It emphasises the importance of understanding the multiplicity of reality and of realising the limitations of language, the subjectiveness of all human communication and the central importance of nonviolent conduct.The author examines the nature of the soul, the characteristics of the embodied soul, the evolving nature of the substances and the doctrine of karma as understood and adumbrated by the Jinas. He explains the interaction of the soul with the body, how it is bound by it even though it is essentially a free entity. He argues that the Jain concept of transcendental bliss is more realistic than the twin extremes of monism and nihilism. This authentic and systematic compendium of Jain philosophy has been written in accessible language and hence shall be useful to both - the novice and the scholar of Indian philosophy. Source: Manish Yashodhar Modi, Hindi Granth Karyalay, Mumbai, E-Mail:



Mar 22, 2014 The first recipient of the Lifetime Diversity Champion Award has made tremendous efforts toward inclusion and diversity, but at 75 Dr. Harish Jain has no plans to take a break.

The professor emeritus served as Vice Chair of the Mayor's Committee on Race Relations and has extensive experience and expertise in anti-discrimination law. At McMaster University, he specialized in systemic discrimination issues, diversity management human rights and employment. He served as commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, a member of Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and is also a recipient of the Order of Canada. On a global scale, Jain helped with the development of employment equity legislation in South Africa. He was honoured to be recognized by the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion as part of the first Diversity Champion Awards Friday afternoon at the Sheraton Hotel.


At the tender age of 15, the young boy has been honored by numerous institutions for his poetry around the world. London University has awarded PHD to this wonderful boy from Jain community. Goldon Book of World Records has entered his name in their book for his poetry contributions as youngest poet of the world. At the age of six he started writing poetry and participating in poetry competitions and programmes. He has already published four books which is again a world record at his age. Earlier Limca Book of Records and India Book of records have also listed his name for his exemplary abilities and presentation.

The President of India has also honored Aditya Jain for his literary contributions. Aditya Jain belongs to Kota District of Rajasthan. The community should take pride for the extra ordinary achievements of its Members particularly when such young talents come out for the world scale appreciation.


New Delhi, March 20, Anubha Bhonsle, senior editor and anchor with TV news channel CNN-IBN, is conferred the Chameli Devi Jain award for outstanding woman media person. A TV journalist for the past 15 years, Bhonsle was given the award for her stories on marginalised sections. he citation recognised her coverage in the aftermath of the Muzaffarnagar riots and Uttarakhand floods.



New Delhi February 27, 2014, The Central Board of Secondary Education has urged all its 18,000 affiliated schools across India to implement a policy that bans students and staff members from wearing leather shoes in favour of animal- and Earth-friendly canvas shoes. In its advisory, CBSE refers to the move as an "ethical" and "compassionate" way to protect the environment and animals from harm. Buying leather directly contributes to encouraging the growth of factory farms and slaughterhouses ", says the CBSE advisory. "Leather … shares responsibility for all the environmental destruction caused by the meat industry as well as the pollution cause by the toxins in tanning." The action follows PETA's [People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, India] campaign to ban leather shoes form school uniforms. Himachal Pradesh and Punjab have already moved to ban leather shoes in schools and in Goa, most schools already use canvas shoes. The Animal Welfare Board of India, which comes under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, has also asked all states to shift to environmentally friendly options as part of school uniforms. PETA said the "CBSE's stand is a victory for all the animals who are maimed during transport and face a painful and terrifying death in slaughterhouses." It said that at slaughterhouses, many animals are skinned and dismembered while they are still conscious. What's more, turning the skins of cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats into leather requires massive amounts of toxic chemicals, and runoff from leather tanneries poisons local rivers and streams.



From time immemorial, SRIVAISHNAVITES have been observing fasts twice a month on EKADASI days. This fasting is, in general, for everyone. EKADASI is the 11th day in the moon cycle, i.e. from the new moon day and also from the full moon day. It is a proven scientific matter that the air pressure in the atmosphere rapidly changes in the surroundings on a full moon day or on the new moon day. The Sun-Moon-Earth combinations in the orbital path, when distances itself at every particular interval (i.e. every 24 hours of for every full circle the Earth rotates). When it occurs, accordingly the pressure in the atmosphere too changes drastically and varies from day to day. One can observe this from the increasing high tidal waves in the ocean. On any given New Moon day or AMAVASYA the pressure increases in the ocean and the tidal waves are very rough and high. But from the immediate next day onwards, the pressure recedes gradually thus improving that the atmospheric pressure too reduces. So, particularly on the 11th day from New Moon or Full Moon days, the pressure is some what very light or nil.

If one has to go with an empty stomach on any other day, the atmospheric pressures will put on him or her more strain wherein on the EKADASI day, the problem is minimal or nil. So the body never takes the pain while we cleanse the bowel system and thus refreshing the whole body mechanism - specifically the liver/stomach/bowel and the system movements.

But on the immediate next day (called as DWADASI or DVADASI - i.e. 12th day from Full Moon/New Moon), to avoid any pressure on the body system, SRIVAISHNAVITES used to eat food in the morning as early as possible. Thus avoiding any system trouble or collapse. This breaking fast on the 12th day is known as PARANAI amongst SRIVAISHNAVAS.

So it is advisable to observe fasting only on the EKADASHI day and to give scope for refreshing the body mechanism; this fasting day is also very conducive to concentrate onf meditation and prayers. But one must eat food immediately in the next early morning to avoid any complications. As the atmospheric pressure builds up faster and doubles on the 12th day from AMAVASYA / POORNIMA days, it is strongly recommended to consume food on the DWADASI day in the early morning.

Nowadays, people also fast these days for health reasons; because fasting helps in the detoxification of the body. Everyone wants to look good and fit these days. As such, you will find many youngsters in India fasting. In medical context, fasting refers to the state achieved after digestion of a meal. A number of metabolic adjustments occur during fasting and many medical diagnostic tests for blood sugar, cholesterol levels are standardized to fasting conditions. Thus fasting has medical reasons coated with religious significance in India. Those who observe Fasting on EKADASI days are keeping fittest health, cleansing their bowel system and mostly free from frequent ailments. Also, those who are the BHAKTA'S of Lord KRISHNA, observing fasting on EKADASI days, have lot more mental peace, by way of self realization and inner soul! That reflects them to more and more devote to the spiritual path! Yes, these sorts of penance also give them a more stronger feeling towards spirituality, thus making them pure in body and mind. Now, let us see the other scientific facts concerning the 11th day from Full Moon & New Moon.

In the Indian Vedic system, there are different methods to calculate a month. Once such is counting from the new moon day known as Amavasya. The well known From the new moon day till the Full moon day it is called as Sukla Paksham or waxing moon; from the full moon day till next Amavasya/new moon day, it is known as Krishna Paksham or the waning moon. In the celestial phenomena, the Earth as well as moon raises and settles at the same time on Amavasya and from the next day to Amavasya, moon is moving about 12 degree distance from the solar path; on the Ekadasi day, i.e. 11th day from full moon the Moon stays at a distance of about 135 degrees in the solar path that causes lesser grativation force and thus causing lesser atmospheric pressure. Thus fasting on an Ekadasi day will not affect the body system as also hungry feelings too minimum to some extent. Now, let us see the other scientific facts concerning the 11th day from Full Moon & New Moon. In the Indian Vedic system, there are different methods to calculate a month. Once such is counting from the new moon day known as AMAVASYA. The well known From the new moon day till the Full moon day it is called as SUKLA PAKSHAM or waxing moon; from the full moon day till next AMAVASYA/new moon day, it is known as KRISHNA PAKSHAM or the waning moon.

In the celestial phenomena, the Earth as well as moon raises and settles at the same time on AMAVASYA and from the next day to AMAVASYA, moon is moving about 12 degree distance from the solar path; on the EKADASI day, i.e. 11th day from full moon the Moon stays at a distance of about 135 degrees in the solar path that causes lesser grativation force and thus causing lesser atmospheric pressure. Thus fasting on an EKADASI day will not affect the body system as also hungry feelings too minimum to some extent. Author: Giriraj Daga, E-Mail:


भारत में गाय का मांस खुलेआम बिक रहा है

गो-हत्या का अर्थशास्त्र: भारत में गाय का मांस 120/- रुपये किलो खुलेआम बिक रहा है। एक गाय-भैंस-बैल के कटने पर लगभग 350 किलो मांस निकलता है. चमड़े और हड्डियों की अलग से कीमत मिलती है। जो पशु औसतन 8000-9000/- रुपये में गाव में मिल जा रहे हैं और सुखा वाले प्रदेशो में तो यह 3000/- रुपये में ही मिल जाते हैं। पशु की कीमत 8000/- उसे काटने से मिला मांस 350 किलो। भारत में उस मांस का दाम. 350x120 = 42,000/- रुपये। चमड़े का दाम 1000/- ।विदेशो में निर्यात करने पर यही मांस 3 से 4 गुना दाम में बिकता है और यह निर्भर करता है कि किस देश में भेजा जा रहा है। किसान को मिला सिर्फ 9000/- रुपया और कत्लखाना चलाने वाले को मिला 43000 - 9000 = 34,000/- रुपये। भारत में एक-एक कत्लखाने में 10,000 से 15,000 पशु रोज कट रहे हैं। औसत 12,000 पशु रोज। तो एक कत्लखाना मालिक को एक दिन में 34000x12000 = 40,80,00,000/- (चालीस करोड़ रुपये) रोज का मुनाफा रहा है। यदि साल में 320 दिन यह काम चले तो 40 करोड़ x 320 = 12800 करोड़ रुपये शुद्ध मुनाफा सालाना। तो कत्लखाना चलाने वाला इसे क्यों बंद करेगा! उसको जबरदस्ती बंद करवाना पड़ेगा और वो काम सरकार कर सकती है। इसलिए गौरक्षक सरकार लानी होगी। उत्तर प्रदेश मे 8 अत्याधुनिक कत्लखाने के लिए जो टेंडर मंगवाएँ है। उनमें ऐसी मशीनों का प्रयोग होगा जो 1 दिन में हजारो मवेशियों की 'हत्या' करेगी. एक ऐसी मशीन है जिसमें पशु को एक संकरी गली में घुसेड़ा जाता है और आखिरी सिरे पर एक दर्पण होता है. मवेशी उसे छूने के लिए जैसे ही अपना सिर अंदर करता है! मशीन उसकी गर्दन को जकड़ लेती है और तुरंत उसका सिर धड़ से अलग हो जाता है। क्या आपको पता है की उत्तर प्रदेश में 15 कत्लखाने खोलने की अनुमति चीफ मिनिस्टर (अखिलेश यादव) ने दी है। जहां एक कत्लखाने में एक दिन में 10,000 (दस हजार) जानवरों को काटा जायेगा तो एक दिन में 15 कत्लखानों में 1,50,000 जीवों की 'हत्या' होगी। अगर आप जीव प्रेमी हैं, तो इस Message को इतना विस्तार दो कि सभी इसके समर्थन में खड़े हो जाएँ और चीफ मिनिस्टर को अनुमति वापस लेनी पड़े..!! अहिंसा परमो धर्मं..


The BJP has nominated Swami Mahesh Giri the Ex Chief of Dattatreya Peeth of Girnar Teerth. During his period as Peethadhees the Jain Temple at Girnar was damaged and subject to violence with Jain pilgrims. Some clashes also happened and matter was reported to local police. The courts also interfered into the matter to settle the issues. But, till date the situation is not normal. Inspite of opposition of Jain Community an Idol of Dattatreyaji was installed at Girnar in the year 2004.

In the year 2007 Gujarat Government tried to approve religious legislation about Jain religion and its independent status. However, the move was vehemently opposed by Jain community all over country. Minority Commission and Central Government also opposed the legislation of Gujarat Government. In view of wide spread protest the Governor at that time return the bill without consent. On July 28 a delegation of Jains which was led by Sahu Ramesh Jain met the Governor Shri Naval Kishor Sharma, Cultural Minister Shri S. Jaypal Reddy and brief them about the unauthorized construction at 4th and 5th tonk of Girnar Teerth. The legal proceedings were also initiated to restrain unauthorized construction activities. The Jain community requests all political parties to restrain from nominating candidates who have been involved in religious controversies, however, the community does not intend to oppose any individual candidate as we under stand political compulsions of candidates and parties. Source: Sahu R. P. Jain, E-Mail:



The minority status accorded to Jain community by the Union government is expected to benefit a number of students who come from economically weaker sections, especially in rural areas in the State. Now, Jain students whose family’s annual income is less than Rs. 2.5 lakh are eligible for scholarship given by the State government, which recognises Jains as minority community. But with national minority status accorded by Union government, this limit goes up to Rs. 4.5 lakh, under Centrally-sponsored scholarships.

“One of the biggest benefits from the minority status will be in the education sector both for students as well institutions run by Jains. Students from our community will now have access to a number of Central scholarships, which were hitherto not available to us,” said Jitendra Jain, president of Karnataka Jain Association. According to him, the largest Jain pocket is found in Belgaum district that has nearly half of the total Jain population in the State, besides a sizeable population in the rural areas in Mysore, Hassan, Bijapur, Bagalkot and Gulbarga districts. “Most of them are agriculture labourers or marginal land holders. We expect minority status to help this section of the Jain community,” he said. Further, educational institutions managed by Jains will be recognised as minority institutions where up to 50 per cent of seats are reserved for community members. However, the reservation policy does not apply in the appointment of faculty members. Though minority institutions benefit community students, there are, however, only two engineering colleges - one in Shravanabelogola and the other in Bangalore, while a medical college is yet to be established. Besides in Bangalore, educational institutions are run by Jains in Belgaum and Hassan districts.


Please browse the net for the detailed Guidelines of various schemes as below,


2) Seekho aur Kamao (Learn & Earn)"- The Scheme for Skill Development of Minorities


3) Nai Roshni"- The Scheme for Leadership Development of Minority Women


4) Scholarship Schemes


5) Free Coaching and Allied Scheme for Minority Communities Students


Source: P. Rajendra Prasad, Mobile: +91 98410 55783, E-Mail: , Secretary: Sri Bhagawan Mahavir Digambara Jain Management Trust, Chennai.



10th March 2014, JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) has the core objectives to Empower Education and Shape the Future of Jain youths. The Flagship project of JATF Public Administration and Civil Services Enhancement is inclined towards guiding and assisting the students to prepare for the Civil Services Examinations which has been getting an overwhelming response. JITO JATF has a centre at Chennai and 4 other places in India.

 JATF has created excellent facilities for Jain youth. As of now, more than 100 of students have joined prestigious services like IAS, IPS, IRS, RAS and such others to serve the nation and society. JATF has begun its admission for Academic Year 2014-15. Mass awareness programs are being conducted in various parts of the country for inviting applications. The facility is open and is free of cost to all Jains whether they are Digambers or Swetambers, and whatever be their sampraday or mother tongue. The form is available for download at www.jitoatf.org

It is with this zeal and passion that JATF continues to strive towards attaining the goals, rendering selfless services towards the Society and thereby enriching the lives of so many students and their families across the Nation. This has been possible due to the generous donors who have contributed towards JATF. This movement is supported by equity of Rs. 1.5 Crores donated by each of the 68 individuals of the Jain community. Recently, from Chennai, Shri Suresh Mutha, Shri Abhay Srisrimal, Shri Girish Jain and Shri Ravikant Chowdhry announced a donation of Rs. 1.5 Crores each for this movement. Five Jains from Kolkata, where JATF does not have any centre, also joined by donating Rs. 1.5 Crores each. The corpus will cross Rs. 100 Crores mark soon.

All services to the selected students are provided for FREE. In past out of the 1000 candidates who have been trained by JATF, 110 have successfully become officers. JITO Goal is to see at least 500 Jain Graduates become outstanding officers in next five years. Clearing the UPSC examinations can enable them to be a great Jain social leader. Source: J. B. Jain, Chief Secretary, JITO, Mumbai, Tel. Nos.: +91 22 6710 0255 / 67254835,, E-Mail:


Mar 20, 2014, In a list that features mostly men, two women Savitri Jindal and Indu Jain stand out. Forbes names them as India's only two women billionaires. While Jindal is a steel baroness, Jain heads a huge media conglomerate.

Over the years, Indian women have risen through the ranks and have gone on to lead huge corporates. In many ways, they have not only changed the face of businesses, but also the way the world looks at them. Some of the names that come to mind are: Chanda Kocchar, CEO of ICICI Bank, Axis Bank CEO Shikha Sharma, Anu Aga, former chairperson of energy and environment major Thermax, Biocon chairperson Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Shobhana Bhartia, chairperson of HT Media and PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi.

While on hand, glass ceilings have been shattered, on the other, new records have been created. Gender and power equations are no longer the same in boardrooms. There is no doubt that India has produced some of the best businesswomen, however truth is that the billionaire club remains a male-dominated territory. There is little more ground to be covered before the Forbes's list of Indian billionaires sees more female presence.

Of the 56 Indians in the list, released by Forbes (net worth as of March 2014), only two are women - Savitri Jindal and Indu Jain. Last year too, Jindal and Jain were a part of this coveted list.

Jindal is a steel baroness and non-executive chairperson of the OP Jindal Group. The net worth of Jindal and her family, that includes her nine children, is $4.9 billion. She is India's richest woman and a member of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha. She became chairperson of the multi-billion rupee power and steel empire after the death of her husband OP Jindal in 2005. This year, she is India's tenth richest Indian. In 2013, in this very list, she was at number 14. However, her net worth even then stood at $4.9 billion. Her youngest son, Naveen, who runs Jindal Steel & Power, is a Member of Parliament from the Kurukshetra constituency in Haryana. Jain is a matriarch who oversees the functioning of media conglomerate Bennett, Coleman & Co that publishes 13 newspapers and 18 magazines. The company also owns television channels and a radio station. Her net worth is $2.3 billion and she is at number 22 on the list of Indian billionaires. Last year too she was a part of this list with a net worth of $1.90 billion. Her sons, Samir and Vineet, run the company. In a society that has been mostly patriarchal, it is women like these who have fought prejudices and held their own in male-dominated bastions. One can only hope that a year from now the count of women in the list of billionaires goes up.


Bangalore, March 10, 2014, The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has opposed the move by the UPA government to accord Minority Status to the Jain community stressing that the community is essentially Hindu. Speaking at the conclusion of the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha, RSS general secretary Suresh Bhayyaji Joshi said Jains are not separate from Hindu culture. “Sangh has already said, it does not support any move to divide the society as majority and minority. Jains are a part and parcel of the Hindu ethos, history and culture. Few of our traditions and rituals might be different but every culture of this land are Hindu. The RSS functionary was reacting to the UPA government’s move to declare Jains as a minority community. In the course of the three meeting of its members, the RSS has charted out a plan for the coming year. Over 1,400 RSS functionaries who were elected by the local karyakartas across India attended the meeting along with RSS chief Mohan Bhagawat.



Km. Sonal Bohra aged 26 years, daughter of Sri Padam Raj Ji and Smt. Pushpa Devi Bohra will be accepting Jain diksha in Vardhman Sthanakwasi Jain Shraman Sangh sect on the 30th March, 2014. She will be blessed and initiated into the sect by Shri Ramesh Muni and Shri Kamlesh Muni, joined by Sadhwi Shri Kumud Lata, Sadhwi Chandana, Sadhwi Shri Akshya Jyoti and Sadhwi Shri Satya Sadhana. The diksha ceremony and other celebrations be held at Jodhpur. A large number of devotees and followers will attend the programme from different parts of the country. Km. Sonal Bohra, having passed her B.A. examinations, has studied Jain Agams and other important Jain literature and strotra during the last four years. A grand varghoda (procession, joined by the diksharthi, Sonal Bohra, devotees and other followers) will be taken out through the major streets of the town on the following day.


In a religiously significant event, two Jain girls - Pooja Lodha, 25 and Kumnaji Surana, 27 - accepted Jain diksha, and became a Jain Sadhwi in last February, Her acharya came to Trichy to conduct the diksha ceremony. Poja opted attained the desire for renunciation of the mundane life when she was 20, but her father Premchand Lodha, 50, a textile businessman did not accept the idea. "I was indeed angry when she broke her wish to me, but ultimately she won me over last year," Premchand told the press. This was the first time such a religious ceremony took place in Trichy and to honour the occasion, one of the marriage hall owners in the city came forward to give his place, free of charge to the Jain community for four days, said Anil Jain, one of the members of the 250 Jain families that chose Trichy their home. Both the girls, attired in their best bridal wear, were taken in a procession from the hall to Kalaignar Arivalayam winding through all the important streets. Elaborate rituals followed throughout the whole day. For instance, the consent of the parents in writing to their attainment of a new spiritual path is sine qua non for the acharya to initiate them into a new life. Premchand said he gave the written consent since he realized that his daughter was determined in her chosen path.



Mar 26, 2014, Chennai: Former Tamil Nadu Director General of Police S. Sripal died at a private hospital of a heart attack. He was 76 and is survived by his wife and two children.

City police commissioner from 1980 to 1985 and DGP (law and order) from 1991 to 1995, Sripal has to his credit several important cases like the serial killings by 'Auto' Sankar in Chennai and some bomb blast cases in the state. After undergoing a bypass surgery for a heart ailment in 2013, he restricted his public appearances. He was also convener for the study group, Tamil Nadu planning commission and a guest Professor at University of Madras. A prominent member of the Jain community in the state, Sripal was chairman of the research foundation of Jainology and contributed to the propagation and study of Jainism.

The foundation has to its credit several publications, including on Jaina Inscriptions in Tamil Nadu, 'Lectures in Jainism' and 'Aspects of Jain Philosophy'. Sripal also helped set up a department of Jainology at University of Madras. Source: E-Mail:


New Delhi, March 19: The founder and Chairman of one of the country’s leading pen manufacturers, Luxor Group, D. K. Jain, passed away in the city on Tuesday. He was 71. According to a company official, Jain died following a cardiac arrest at his residence.

Jain was the Chairman and President of Luxor Group, the company which has brought internationally-renowned brands like Waterman, Parker and Pilot to India. He is survived by wife Usha Jain, son Pankaj Jain and three daughters, Pooja Jain, Priya Jain and Payal Kapoor.A file image of former President, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (second from left), presenting PHDCCI Distinguished Entrepreneurship Award to D. K. Jain (fourth from left), Chairman and President, Luxor Group, at the Centenary Celebrations of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in New Delhi, on December 21, 2005.

He actively participated in community and religious activities. He was also one of the founder patron of JITO. Besides, he associated himself regularly with religious activities and programmes.


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Aatham | Chaudas | Pancham | Bij | Agiyaras

Jain Festival

Auspicious Day


Date: 1 | 4 | 7 to 15 | 17 | 20 | 22 | 25 | 28
Date: 2 | 16 | 21 | 24 | 27
Date: 07-15 - Ayambil Oli
Date: 13 - Mahavirswami Janma Kalyanak
Date: 15 - Chaitra Poonam (Bhav Siddhachal Yatra)
Date: 15 - Ayambil Oli Finishes
Date: 16 - Ayambil Oli Parna
Date: 02 - Kunthunath Kevalgnan Kalyanak
Date: 04 - Ajitnath Nirvan Kalyanak
Date: 04 - Sambhavanath Nirvan Kalyanak
Date: 04 - Anantanath Nirvan Kalyanak
Date: 08 - Sumatinath Nirvan Kalyanak
Date: 11 - Sumatinath Kevalgnan
Date: 13 - Mahavirswami Janma Kalyanak
Date: 13 - 20 Viharmans Bhagwans Kevalgnan Kalyanak
Date: 15 - Padmaprabhu Kevalgnan Kalyanak
Date: 16 - Kunthunath Nirvan Kalyanak
Date: 17 - Shitalnath Nirvan Kalyanak
Date: 20 - Kunthunath Diksha Kalyanak
Date: 21 - Shitalnath Chavan Kalyanak (Vad Choth)
Date: 24 - Naminath Nirvan Kalyanak
Date: 24 - 20 Viharmans Bhagwans Janma Kalyanak
Date: 27 - Anantanath Janma Kalyanak
Date: 28 - Anantanath Diksha & Kevalgnan Kalyanak
Date: 28 - Kunthunath Janma Kalyanak
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sud Bij
Sud Trij
Sud Choth
Sud Chhath
Sud Satam
Sud Aatham
Sud Nom
Sud Dasam
Sud Dasam
Sud Agiyaras
Sud Baras
Sud Teras
Sud Chaudas
Sud Poonam
Vad Ekam
Vad Bij
Vad Trij
Vad Choth
Vad Satam
Vad Aatham
Vad Nom
Vad Dasam
Vad Agiyaras
Vad Baras
Vad Teras
Vad Chaudas
Vad Amas
Sud Ekam

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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. ASI
  2. Acharya
  3. Acharya Chandanaji
  4. Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni
  5. Agams
  6. Ahimsa
  7. Ahimsa Foundation
  8. Ahimsa Times
  9. Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti
  10. Ajitnath
  11. Akal
  12. Anantanath
  13. Anu
  14. Archaeological Survey of India
  15. Asi
  16. Ayambil
  17. Ayambil Oli
  18. Bangalore
  19. Basadi
  20. Basadis
  21. Belgaum
  22. Bhagavan Mahavir
  23. Body
  24. Buddhism
  25. Center for Jain Studies at Claremont Lincoln University
  26. Chandana
  27. Chaubisi
  28. Chennai
  29. Chhattisgarh
  30. Claremont Lincoln University
  31. Consciousness
  32. Darshan
  33. Darshana
  34. Das
  35. Delhi
  36. Dharm
  37. Digambar
  38. Digambara
  39. Diksha
  40. Diksha Kalyanak
  41. Dravya
  42. Dravya Sangrah
  43. Environment
  44. Fasting
  45. Girnar
  46. Gujarat
  47. Guru
  48. Haryana
  49. Hassan
  50. Hindi Granth Karyalay
  51. Hinduism
  52. Houston
  53. Hubli
  54. Indra
  55. Islam
  56. JAINA
  57. JATF
  58. JITO
  59. JITO Administrative Training Foundation
  60. Jain Basadi
  61. Jain Calendar
  62. Jain International Trade Organization
  63. Jain Philosophy
  64. Jain Temple
  65. Jain Temples
  66. Jaina
  67. Jainism
  68. Janma
  69. Janma Kalyanak
  70. Jayanti
  71. Jeeva
  72. Jodhpur
  73. Kala
  74. Kalyanak
  75. Kancheepuram
  76. Kanchi
  77. Karma
  78. Karnataka
  79. Kishor
  80. Kolkata
  81. Kota
  82. Krishna
  83. Kunthunath
  84. Lakh
  85. Lokesh Muni
  86. London
  87. Lucknow
  88. Madras
  89. Madurantakam
  90. Mahaveer
  91. Mahavir
  92. Mahavir Jayanti
  93. Mandir
  94. Meditation
  95. Minority Status
  96. Monism
  97. Moodbidri
  98. Mosque
  99. Mumbai
  100. Muni
  101. Mysore
  102. Naminath
  103. New Delhi
  104. Non-violence
  105. PETA
  106. Panchastikaya
  107. Pankaj Jain
  108. Parshwanath
  109. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
  110. Pooja
  111. Pooja Jain
  112. Pradesh
  113. Prasad
  114. Pride
  115. Punjab
  116. Rajasthan
  117. Rajendra Prasad
  118. Ram
  119. Ras
  120. Sabha
  121. Sadhak
  122. Sadhana
  123. Sadhvi
  124. Sadhvis
  125. Sadhwi
  126. Sambhavanath
  127. Sampraday
  128. Sanctum
  129. Sangh
  130. Satya
  131. Seva
  132. Shiksha
  133. Shraman
  134. Soul
  135. Sthanakwasi
  136. Sulekh C. Jain
  137. Sumatinath
  138. Sutra
  139. Swami
  140. Tamil
  141. Tamil Nadu
  142. Taoism
  143. Teerthankar
  144. Tirthankar
  145. Tirthankaras
  146. Tirthankars
  147. Tolerance
  148. Tonk
  149. Udaipur
  150. University of Madras
  151. Vedanta
  152. Vedic
  153. Veerayatan
  154. Veerayatan International
  155. Vidhya
  156. Vikram Samvat
  157. Violence
  158. Yaksha
  159. Yakshini
  160. janma
  161. आचार्य
  162. उत्तर प्रदेश
  163. गुजरात
  164. दस
  165. धर्मं
  166. बिहार
  167. महावीर
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