AIC ►1.01 ►Paper ►Acharya Mahashraman ►Anuvrat: A Global Panacea

Published: 08.10.2014
Updated: 27.10.2014

Anuvrat International Conference

Anuvrat: A Global Panacea

There is a verse in the holy scriptures of the Jains:

वरं में अप्पा दंतो संजमेंण तवेण य |
माहं परेहि दंभतो, बंधणहि महेहि य ||

It is better for me to control myself through self-discipline and austerities lest I should be forced to be controlled by shackles and scourges.

The world today is in search of a sustainable model of development. The Anuvrat presents a model based on self-discipline. The slogan of Anuvrat is - संयम: खलु जीवनम~

Self-discipline is indeed the life. But then there are few questions which need to be answered.

How can we transform the hearts? How can we reform the society? How can we translate knowledge into action? How can we switch over from sadness to gladness? How can we shift from disparity to parity? How can we cultivate unity in diversity?

The questions are many, but the answer is one, that is - ANUVRAT.

What is Anuvrat? Anuvrat is a universal code of conduct which has the potential to resolve the global problems, to get rid of the widespread conflicts, to extirpate the destructive emotions and create a new peaceful world-order.

It was the divine wisdom of the great visionary, Acharya Shri Tulsi that gave birth to the Anuvrat Movement and the intellectual acumen of the great spiritual practitioner, Acharya Shri Mahapragya, that the mission got crystallized into a worldwide activity.

Anuvrat teaches to practise self-discipline by putting a voluntary limit to one's consumption. If this is not done, then endless desires for leading a luxurious life would augment to such an extent that the mankind would have to face catastrophic situation. It is therefore necessary to use the synergy of the ancient wisdom with scientific technology.

Non-violence and self-discipline are to be practised in each and every field of life. Through this only, the ultimate panacea to the burning global problems can be found.

For inculcation of human values, the two powerful media are to be utilized: (i) Education, and (ii) Parents.

The first medium would be effective through training in non-violence which would of course include the training in self-discipline. First the teachers are to be trained, and then the students.

The second medium would become successful only if the parents themselves become the role-models for their children.

I hope that the presentation of papers and the interaction in the Conference would go a long way in strengthening the moral fibre of the global society by suggesting the practicable means and ways to inculcate non-possessiveness, self-restraint, mutual understanding and the spirit of reverence for all forms of life including even the plants. I wish for a bright success and a fruitful outcome of the conference for achieving its objectives.


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        1. Acharya
        2. Acharya Shri Mahapragya
        3. Acharya Shri Tulsi
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