ShortNews in English
Kathmandu: 29.04.2015
Acharya Mahashraman and other Sadhu, Sadhvis are safe and sheltered in Kathmandu after the horrific earthquake that hit Nepal. Life is slowly coming back to normal with the untiring support and assistance of shravaks from Kathmandu.
News in Hindi
पूज्य प्रवर की आज की तस्वीरें । पूज्य प्रवर ससंघ काठमांडू में सुखसाता पूर्वक बिराजमान । नेपाल में अब राहत की स्थिति । #NepalEarthQuake #AacharyaMahashrman #Earthquake #JainTerapanthNews #JTN
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