
Published: 16.12.2003
Updated: 15.07.2015
Darshan, Darśan, Darśana, दर्शन
Intuition or indeterminate cognition
Sanskrit: from root dṛś - to see

Most commonly used for "visions of the divine," e.g., of a god or a very holy person or artifact. One could "receive darshana" of the deity in the temple, or from a great saintly person, such as a great guru.

Direct perception of reality, insight,...

In Jain Epistemology anakara upayoga consists of four classes of darsana:

  1. caksuḥ-darsana (eye-cognition or vision);
  2. acaksuḥ-darsana (cognition by the mind as well as the sense-organs - other than the eye;
  3. avadhi-darsana
  4. kevala-darsana


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  1. Acaksuḥ-darsana
  2. Avadhi-darsana
  3. Caksuḥ-darsana
  4. Darshana
  5. Guru
  6. Kevala-Darsana
  7. Sanskrit
  8. Upayoga
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