Nishitha Sutra

Published: 20.07.2015
Updated: 20.07.2015
Niśītha Sūtra, निशीथ सूत्र


In the Shvetambara Jain tradition, the Nishitha Sutra occupies the most important position among the four Chheda Sutras (Scriptures on Atonement). The Nishitha Sutra is believed to be the fifth appendix of the second volume of the Acaranga Sutra. It is an esoteric text  dealing with several exceptional situations.

Jain laypersons are enjoined not to read this text since it deals specifically with ascetic conduct. In fact, one may state that the Nishitha Sutra is the constitution that determines Shvetambara Jain ascetic conduct. It not only establishes normative praxes for male and female ascetics, it specifies appropriate atonements for various transgressions.

Consisting of twenty chapters, it specifies appropriate atonements as well as specific procedures for prescribing those atonements.

This edition contains the original text in Prakrit along with correct translations in Hindi and English. In addition, several colour illustrations have been provided in order to simplify the subject matter.


Title: Niśītha Sūtra
Series: Illustrated Shvetambara Jain Agamas
Editor: Amara Muni
Edition: 2015
Publisher: Hindi Granth Karyalay
English translation: Munnalal Jain
Distributor: Hindi Granth Karyalay

Ardhamagadhi Prakrit
Hindi translation
English translation

Pages: 376 pages + 13 art plates in 4 colours
Dimensions: 24 x 18 cm


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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acaranga
  2. Acaranga Sutra
  3. Agamas
  4. Ardhamagadhi
  5. Chheda Sutras
  6. Hindi Granth Karyalay
  7. Muni
  8. Niśītha
  9. Prakrit
  10. Shvetambara
  11. Sutra
  12. Sūtra
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