Jain Center of Greater Boston
Jai Jinendra,
Paryushan Parva has started. We wish you the best as you observe the Dharma to the best of your abilities. Our members are already getting labh from attending lectures by visiting scholars.
1) The Jain Center provides lunch during the day-long sessions over the weekends. Some of our members sponsor one or more of these lunches as service to the community. The sponsorship cost is $500. Multiple families can pool their resources and sponsors a lunch. The Paryushan and Das Laxan Parva will span three weekends so sponsorship opportunities are available for five lunches. Please respond to this email if you are interested in sponsoring a lunch.
2) In order to help us better plan for the lunches, we request you to RSVP if you plan to attend Paryushan or Das Laxan Parva activities during any weekend. Following is the RSVP. link.
RSVP for Lunches on weekends during Paryushan and Das Lakshan Parvas:
Check your RSVP status.
Thank you
Dilip Jain