Video ►Fibonacci's Fractals ►Where it all Goes

Published: 19.02.2016
Updated: 19.02.2016

Video (Part 2)

by Phil Langdon

I always wanted to expand on the previous video called Fibonacci's Fractals but felt I didn't have the conceptual or visual ingredients to explain well enough where this all goes. I always wanted to be able to convey ideas and concepts in the simplest terms but even with crystal clear explanations many people only understand things from their perspective and point of view, sometimes resulting in misunderstanding.

Each person has to make the effort to understand & put things together in their own brain but the idea today seems to be that nobody really knows anything and it's all a great mystery that will never be fathomed by any human because, so it is said, as soon as you think you know things they switch on you and you realize you knew very little after all.

In regards to this, however many times you fall to misconception or misunderstanding and downright fraudulence, there is only truth. Remember your EGO will get in your way. The ego wants to be in competition, but in reality there is NO competition, only evolution or transformation.

If you knew that you are an eternal part of the one timeless, eternal total mind, known as God, wouldn't that change things a little? Where does the understanding of fractals in nature go? All you have to do is get down to brass tacks, look at the nature of the things themselves. What is a fractal? It's ONE thing repeated over & over again to ever smaller and ever larger repetitions.

One process in nature, throughout the Universe, says there is only ONE thing in existence. Call it God, Totality, the Supreme Being. It's all the same thing. God IS Heaven, peace & love in totality. Different words simply describe different aspects of actual reality, God (Mind). Humans have many different attributes like eyes, mouth, face, head, etc. Yet you are ONE WHOLE being. So God has many names and attributes.

Duality is God's manifesting principle because it amounts to a contrast between an inside and outside. This simple contrast allows us to become self realized by engaging in physical life and experiencing the duality for ourselves. Life is a personal experience and enlightenment is reached differently by different people. Each person that becomes self-realized has their own emphasis to the realization in that there are different issues to focus on.

My own emphasis is the purpose of physical incarnation. The answer is that through the physical experience you become enlightened because you need a brain to think and mind can't do that since it is Stillness itself. Mind then becomes transformed through the realization in time and space and becomes aware of ONENESS with God. Incarnation no longer has to take place as a necessity. You become free.

I really wanted to show where Fibonacci's Fractals goes. I'm sure many people will be surprised by it, maybe even moved, I hope, because this is real. What I have put into this video is the result of meeting God in creative form. God has no form as such since God is more about "Being" as opposed to ""Doing". However there is a logical form that exists as a creative force behind the Universe, which is really the "Thinking" aspect of God.

I saw it when I was contemplating the relationship between time and timelessness. There was a slipping sensation in my mind that was out of my control followed by what looked like a scroll unfurling in front of me to the left & to the right simultaneously. As it shot out to infinite space at the speed of light to the left & right my mind suddenly followed it out in a split second and I found myself thinking "So this is what infinite space feels like".

My brain had switched off all information from my eyes and I was only aware of this now infinite black void until I turned my gaze slightly to the right, after gauging the orientation of my physical head because i lost all sense of orientation, and there it was, coming into view in the distance as my gaze swept to the right. It looked like an enormous cloud with beams of light coming out of it in all directions, spaced apart across it's surface. Pretty much as I show in the video.

In fact the truth is the Universe is like a Garden. God's Garden. Like in any garden, things grow. In this garden the trees are Galaxies and the fruit they produce is.......Enlightened MIND. Galaxies are breeding grounds for developing consciousness. Development comes slowly because if you received knowledge all at once without being ready it can be harmful to you in the sense that you are not yet ready to let go of your EGO. Enlightenment destroys EGO.

If you want to experience Heaven again simply be very comfortable and focus your attention on stillness in your mind. You'll find it comes to you because you are tuning into it. Whatever we think about, we tune into more and more the more we think about it. So if you think about God and things associated with God you literally tune into God. Think of white light as stillness and know you are that same non-physical light.

Part I (if missed): Fibonacci's Fractals

This video represents a brief look at a modern connection of electricity to the ancient world of Hermeticism. It's: Fractals meets Hermeticism and the world of Walter Russel. Centrepetal and centrifugal forces co-exist as spirals giving the pulling/squeezing force we call gravity with the opposite dissapating force of radiation. Both are forms projected by light which itself never moves. Only it's effect is registered as matter giving an illusion. All mind is the one mind experiencing itself subjectively.

There is an old saying " The universe is what God does with mirrors". So imagine you are between two mirrors that face each other. If you look to your right or left, into either one of the mirrors, you will see your own reflection repeated into infinity getting smaller and smaller as the light bounces from one mirror to the other over and over again. It's an amazingly simple way of accessing this fractal way of thinking.

Now think of sound and sand on a plate that is bowed by a violin bow. The sand will coagulate at nodes according to frequency generated by the bow. The one substance is light, which never moves, causing the stillness to generate patterns with electric waves, like on a pond surface. Matter creation through motion only is the thinking process of the creator. Our minds are reflections of our thinking. The universe is the same in structure and make up as your own brain because it's all the same motion at different scales creating the material universe.

The music is "Crackerblocks" by Ozric Tentacles. Enjoy!

wish you a nice weekend

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