28.03.2016 ►Delhi ►De-addiction Awareness Workshop

Published: 28.03.2016
Updated: 09.01.2018

Delhi: 28.03.2016

An Anuvrat De-addiction awareness workshop was successfully organized at Rain Basera, Mahrauli, Delhi. The programme was started with the auspicious Anuvrat Geet. Babylal Dugar, and Satyapal Chawla consultant, Shantilal Patawari, Vice President and Hansha Sancheti, Deputy Secretary, Anuvrat Samiti, Delhi were present in the programme. Manoj Khater, Deputy Secretary, Sanjay Bhai, Ahimsa Trainer and Sushil Daga put their efforts to make this programme successful, which comprised of a 9 year old girl to an 80 year old lady. Distinguished people from many other associations - Bidhi Mishra, President and Poonam Kumari, Vice President of Sai Jan Vikas Foundation, Rajiv Gupta, President of Humanity Foundation, Anil Verma, Project coordinator, SPYM NGO, Nirmal Kothari, President Jain Shvetambar Terapanthi, South Delhi Mr. Jayprakash, Senior Functionary, Bhagwati Prasad, Teacher, and Dr. Anand Vardhan also attended the programme. The strength of the programme was 125 people and it accomplished with the clothe distribution among the needy.

Sushil Bafana
Edited by Kavita Bhansali
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  1. Ahimsa
  2. Anand
  3. Anuvrat
  4. Delhi
  5. Geet
  6. Kavita Bhansali
  7. Mishra
  8. Prasad
  9. Samiti
  10. Shvetambar
  11. Sushil Bafana
  12. Terapanthi
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