Impulse of rage, directed towards one's own self and incited by one's own shortcomings in thoughts and conduct.
svayamācaritasya ehikaṃ pratyapāyamavabudhya kaścidātmana evopari krudhyati tadā ātmapratiṣṭhitaḥ krodha iti.
(Prajñā 14.3 Vṛ Pa 210)
Impulse of rage, directed towards one's own self and incited by one's own shortcomings in thoughts and conduct.
svayamācaritasya ehikaṃ pratyapāyamavabudhya kaścidātmana evopari krudhyati tadā ātmapratiṣṭhitaḥ krodha iti.
(Prajñā 14.3 Vṛ Pa 210)
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