Name of one of the six Varṣadhara mountains, (upholding the Varṣas or the seven regions of the Jambūdvīpa);
it is situated in the south of Haimavata Varṣa, north of Bharata Varṣa, west of Eastern Lavaṇasamudra and east of Western Lavaṇasamudra and it acts as the dividing line between Bharata and Haimavata regions.
hemavayassa vāsassa dāhiṇeṇaṃ, bharahassa vāsassa uttarenam, pnratthimalavanasamuddassa paccatthimenam, paccatthimalavanasamiiddassa puratthimenam, ettha nam jambuddive dive cnllahimavamte nāmam vāsaharapavvae pannatte.
(Jaṃ 4.1)
bharatasya haimavatasya ca vibhaktā himavān.
(TaVā 3.11)