Jain Center of Greater Boston
Jai Jinendra,
Sorry for the short notice. Upcoming Pathshala is on Third Sunday, January 15th 2017.
(Please note, January Pathshala is on third Sunday as first Sunday was Jan 1st and Second Sunday Pathshala was cancelled due to weather). Also please be mindful that the Snatra puja will be in progress during pathshala.
We will gather in the Auditorium for prayers followed by meditation and announcements.
Pathshala start time: 10 AM Sharp.
We request all parents and kids to be present 10 min. earlier.
Schedule for Pathshala:
10:00 am - 10:30 am: Prayer & General Assembly
10:45 am - 12 30 pm: Religious class & Swadhyay
12:30 pm - 1.30 pm: Lunch
Pathshala location:
Jain Center of Greater Boston
556 Nichols Street
Norwood MA 02062
Rookie’s class: will be dismissed at 12:30pm instead of 12:00.
WINTER DAY CAMP: 25 Feb 2017: We need the registration completed before next pathshala, to palce the order for T-shirts. It is the same T-shirt as last year, but as the sizes may have changed, we need the count before Feb 05th.
To register, please click the link below. https://goo.gl/forms/UdWQLG6rbWWNwyUg2
Waiver form for camp (mandatory form) if not signed your child will not be able to participate in the camp: Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxyM8QDvJgXPOGtaUlpfT0tubUU/view?usp=sharing
Personal items in class rooms: CLASS room (5A) near the foyer area has somebags and clothes. This is a request to please not store any clothes or personal items in the classrooms. If these items are not claimed before the pathsahla, these items will be donated during next pathshala. In the future if we find any items they will be placed in a lost and found box and donated when the box gets filled.
Previous Level books: If your child has moved up a level, please remember the return the previous level books. We reuse these books.
Please see Jyotsna Sait for addition information.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
Priya Jain
Pathshala Director
Jyotsna Sait
Pathshala Coordinator