Jain Center of Greater Boston
Jai Jinendra,
Following are the check-in instructions for all JCGB participants (JCGB - YJA & JOY’s) in the 2017 Walk for Hunger this Sunday!
You should report to: Zone Five at the Zone Check-in location on the Boston Common.
We have made Zone Check-in available to your team to make your check-in go smoothly and quickly on Walk Day and to keep the lines at our general registration tents as short as possible.
Zone Check-in will be open 7:00 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. on Sunday May 7:
1. Please instruct everyone on your team to meet at Zone Check-in on the Boston Common (marked in red on the Boston Common map in this email). We will have all the materials for you when you arrive. At Zone Check-in you will be able to:
b. Get new Walk route maps
c. Register any Walk teammates who did not register before hand
d. Turn in any remaining cash and checks
e. Turn in any matching gift paperwork
2. All Heart & Sole Walkers (walkers who raise over $500.00) are also encouraged to stop by at the Heart & Sole Tent on Boston Common to pick up their special T-shirt. They earned it!
3. We are providing designated meeting zones, and we are providing you all of the necessary tools to make your team check-in process go smoothly. Volunteers will be able to direct you to all zones. You are assigned to Zone Five.
4. Once you have collected all of your remaining cash and check donations in the proper envelopes please seal the large envelope and assign ONE teammate to bring your day of donations to donation drop off at the registration tent.
5. We will have volunteer photographers at Zone Check-in to take photos of your team.
6. Make sure your Walk teammates bring what they need to make their Walk day a success: extra socks, comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, and the proper outerwear. Remind your teammates to bring all remaining checks and cash they have collected with them on Walk Day!
If you have any questions about the Team Check-in procedure, please call the Project Bread office at 617-723-5000 prior to Walk Day. Thank you!