1. Name of one of the five divisions of Dŗṣṭivāda (12th Aṅga (principal canonical work)).
'cūla'tti siharaṃ. diṭṭhivāe jaṃ parikamma-sutta-puvva-aṇuyoge-ya ṇa bhaṇitaṃ taṃ cūlāsu bhaṇitaṃ.
(Nandī 118 Cū p. 79)
2. A treatise which is like a scholion to explain in brief the meaning (or purport) of the original text which might itself have interpreted or uninterpreted it.
puvvabhaṇito abhaṇio ya samāsato cūlāe artho bhaṇyate.
(NandīCū p. 59)
3. Appendix of an Āgama (2) (canonical work).