That obeisance, in which five limbs are bent (to pay reverence); they are-both knees, both hands and the head.
do jāṇū doṇṇi karā, paṃcamaṃgaṃ hoi uttaṃamgaṃ tu.
sammaṃ saṃpaṇivāo ṇeo paṃcaṃgapaṇivāo...
(Pañcā 112)
That obeisance, in which five limbs are bent (to pay reverence); they are-both knees, both hands and the head.
do jāṇū doṇṇi karā, paṃcamaṃgaṃ hoi uttaṃamgaṃ tu.
sammaṃ saṃpaṇivāo ṇeo paṃcaṃgapaṇivāo...
(Pañcā 112)
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