23rd November 2006, 14:30 - 15:30
After lunch in the university guesthouse, we met again with Muni Kishan Lalji. Our last encounter seemed yesterday only and not nearly two years ago. Only few people enjoy the present and are neither preoccupied with remembrances of the past, nor imaginations of the future. Apparently, one has to live the life of a saint to dwell in and enjoy the present.
Muni Kishan Lalji and the Munis of his group had stayed in Ladnun for the whole year 2006. The Munis of his group, Muni Neeraj Kumarji and Muni Himansu Kumarji are in his group since their initiation. As Muni Kishan Lal is deeply involved with Jeevan Vigyan, the close-by Jeevan Vigyan Academy on the campus of Jain Vishva Bharati was helpful for the compilation of his new books thereon. Muni Neeraj Kumar was also present, and we remembered his exceptionally melodious voice. Later, we got a special present from him to share with the readers of HereNow4U, one, performed by him, available online here since some time.
When we had saluted Munishree, suddenly a voice familiar to us pronounced our names. Samani Punya Pragyaji sat in a short distance with another Samani and Muni Himansu Kumarji who in worldly relations was her cousin brother. We were happy to meet her again after celebrating Paryushan at JVB London together.
After respectful salutation, we learned that our arrival & schedule in Ladnun was already known to Muni Kishan Lalji. Incredible system of information! We had in vain tried to contact him and did not even know if he was present there or on tour to some remote area for workshops or lecture.
Then it was time for the monks’ meal before sunrise. They came with their Gochari bowl, and we felt happy to contribute with some fruits to their frugal meal.
After some time, we took photos of books and instruction material authored and compiled by Muni Kishan Lalji and agreed upon time for evening meditation under his guidance.