On Sunday, 13 th August 2006, a one-day camp (Aarohan) was conducted for youngsters at Terapanth Bhavan in D. V. Colony, Secunderabad, the twin city of Hyderabad in Andra Pradesh. The camp was under the aegis of Acharya Mahaprajnaji's learned disciple Sadhvi Animashree ji.
Sadhvi Sulsashri ji, Sadhvi Maitriprabha ji, Sadhvi Karnikashri ji, Sadhvi Sudhaprabha ji (from left to right)
Kanyas (girls) attending the camp
Kishores (boys) participating in the camp
This program was a history in itself, as 220 teenagers attended it. The participants were guided by Shri Rakeshji Khater from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, to inspire the youths to excel everywhere in life. Sadhvishree and Shri Padamji Patawri, chief guest of the program, also gave guidance to the young persons.
Shri Rakeshji Khater guiding the participants
The Team Of Terapanth. Yuvak Parishad and Terapanth Kishore Mandal at the registration counter
Shri Padamji Patawri and Shri Rakeshji Khater being honoured by Teyup’s President, Shri Ashokji Barmecha and Mahila Mandal’s President Shrimati Anju Baid.
Rakeshji Khater guided the participants by giving different examples and addressing various concepts how to excel everywhere in life. A game show ‘Be Smart' was also part of the program, where solutions requiring concentration and intelligence had to be found by the participants.
The camp ended with a competition where every participant was asked to recall and write down what he had learnt.