
Published: 20.01.2004
Updated: 17.01.2012
Deeksha, Deexa, Diksa, Dikṣa, Dixa
Sanskrit, 'di' means literally 'bestowal' and 'ksha' the energy for digesting; diksha means 'bestowe and digest'.
In the spiritual context diksha is the initiation of a novice. Diksha stands for the beginning of a new spiritual life for the novice whose past has been 'digested'. The novice leaves his family of origin and joins the lineage of the spiritual commumnity.
The Svetambara Terapanth Jains give diksha in a public ceremony where the mumukshu's family of origin declares the formal acceptance of his wish to get diksha.

After this the mumukshus change their festive garments into the white monk's dress and get shaved their hair except a little tuft.

During the ceremony of diksha the mumukshu leaves his past life behind and starts with his new spiritual life.

Then the Yuvacharya plucks the young muni's tufts symbolising the change from householder to ascetic.

Eyewitnesses get the impression that a new man comes into being during the few minutes while the mumukshus change their dresses and get shaved.

With the blessings of the acharya he is accepted in the community of munis


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  1. Acharya
  2. Jain Vishva Bharati
  3. Ladnun
  4. Mumukshu
  5. Munis
  6. Sanskrit
  7. Svetambara
  8. Terapanth
  9. Yuvacharya
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