Hermann Jacobi

Published: 27.04.2014


Born: 3.2.1850, Koeln, Germany
Passed away: 19.10.1937


Hermann Jacobi 1850 - 1937 Born on 3.2.1850 in Koeln. A German scholar who worked on several aspects of Indology. His main contribution was in the field of Jaina studies. He died on 19.10.1937 Jacobi and his teacher A.Weber were pioneers in Jain studies. Jacobi became most famous for his translations from the old Prakrit language of
  • Acaranga Sutra
  • Kalpa Sutra
and for the Sacred Books of the East, 1884
  • Uttaradhyayana Sutra
  • Sutrakritanga Sutra
in the same series, 1895


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Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acaranga
  2. Acaranga Sutra
  3. JAINA
  4. Jaina
  5. Kalpa
  6. Kalpa Sutra
  7. Prakrit
  8. Sacred Books of the East
  9. Sutra
  10. Sutrakritanga Sutra
  11. Uttaradhyayana
  12. Uttaradhyayana Sutra
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