The birth of Tirthankara is one of the most auspicious events. It is celebrated by humans as well as by divine beings (Devas). Indra (King of Devas) is in ecstasy, and dancing with his multiple hands celebrating birth of Tirthankara. He is holding lotus flowers and fruits for offering them to Tirthankara. Lotuses are offered to the enlightened ones as a symbol of omnipotent purity. Celestial musicians and celestial damsels (apsaras) also join Indra in the celebration.
Ecstatic Dance of Indra
The birth of a Tirthankara is one of the most auspicious events. It is celebrated by humans and by divine beings (devas).
Indra (king of devas) is in ecstasy. He dances with his multiple hands holding lotus flowers and fruits as offerings to the Tirthankara.
Lotuses are given to the enlightened ones as symbol of absolute purity.
Celestial musicians and dancing girls (apsarās) join Indra in such celebration.