The Syadvadamanjari is a commentary on Hemacandra's Anyayoga-vyavacchedika. Written in 1292 by Mallisena, the Syadvadamanjari is a work consisting of thirty-two verses criticizing the philosophical positions of the other schools--Vaisesika, Nyaya, Vedanta, Samkhya, Buddhism, and Carvaka--in favor of the Jaina anekantavada, literally, 'the doctrine of non-onesidedness'.
A belief in the non-onesided, pluralistic nature of reality meant that the Jainas viewed conflicting philosophical systems as equally valid, each system being a correct description of just one aspect of this manifold reality. They maintained that only by synthesizing all of these descriptions could the philosophical truth be obtained.
Thus, the Jaina anekantavada was a positive doctrine, accepting the validity of all philosophical theories, provided that these were appropriately qualified to make explicit the relative nature of each theory. In order to establish their doctrine of anekantata, the Jainas made use of Saptabhangi ('seven modes'), a theory of sevenfold predication, which was a method of predication emphasizing the 'non-onesidedness' of reality.