
Published: 19.08.2010
Updated: 24.03.2016

Palitana, Gujarat, India

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Most visited Jain temples in Gujarat, India:

View from Holy Mount Shatrunjaya ("Location of victory", height: 591m) on India's largest temple site founded by Jains, near Palitana, Gujarat, situated 215 km southwesterly from Ahmedabad. click image to enlarge

Palitana is considered the most sacred pilgrimage place (tirth) in Jainism, located about 215 km. from Ahmedabad and 51 kms southwest of Bhavnagar.

It was the capital of a small princely state founded by Shahji, a Gohel Rajput who belonged to the same clan as the Maharaja of Bhavnagar. Palitana is situated at an altitude of 182 metres and covers an area of 13 square km. Palitana is one of Jainism's holiest pilgrimage sites and gateway to the Shatrunjaya hill. Besides being a pilgrimage centre, Paliatana is also knowm for the horse-breeding. The best season to visit Palitana is from November to March.

There are a total of 1250 temples located on the Shetrunjaya hills, exquisitely carved in marble.

The main temple on top of the hill, is dedicated to 1st Tirthankar Lord Adinath (Rishabdeva): The Shatrunjaya Temple.

First Renovation

By Chakravarti Bharat, the son of Bhagawan Adinath.

Second Renovation

By the King named Dandavirya.

Third Renovation

By Shri Ishaneshvar in the interim period between the times of the first and the second Tirthankaras.

Fourth Renovation

By Mahendra of the fourth upper world (dev-loko).

Fifth Renovation

By Brahmendra of the fifth upper world.

Sixth Renovation

By Chamarendra, Indra of Bhavanapatis.

Seventh Renovation

By Sagar Chakravarti, the second Chakravarti of the times of Bhagawan Ajitnath.

Eighth Renovation

By Vyantarendra in the times of Abhinandan Swami.

Ninth Renovation

By King Chandrayasha in the times of Chandraprabh Swami

Tenth Renovation

By Chakradhar, the son of Bhagawan Shantinath in the times of Bhagawan Shantinath.

Eleventh Renovation

By Ramchandraji and Lakshamanji in the times of Munisuvrat Swami.

Twelfth Renovation

By the five Pandavas in the times of Bhagawan Neminathji.

Thirteenth Renovation

By Sheth Javed Shah of Mahuva in the year 108 of the Vikram era. He spent a million gold mohurs. In exuberance of joy, he died and was re-born in the fourth upper world (dev-loke).

Fourteenth Renovation

By the advisor Bahud in the times of Kumarpal in the year 1213 of the Vikram era.

Fifteenth Renovation

By Shri Samara Shah in the year 1371 of the Vikram era.

Sixteenth Renovation

By Shri Karama Shah of Chitod on the auspicious sixth day of the dark half of the month of Vaishakh in the year 1587 of the Vikram era.


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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Abhinandan
  2. Adinath
  3. Ahmedabad
  4. Ajitnath
  5. Bhagawan Adinath
  6. Bhavnagar
  7. Chakravarti
  8. Gujarat
  9. Indra
  10. Jain Temples
  11. Jainism
  12. Mahuva
  13. Pandavas
  14. Rajput
  15. Sagar
  16. Samara
  17. Shantinath
  18. Shatrunjaya
  19. Swami
  20. Tirth
  21. Tirthankar
  22. Tirthankaras
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