Sign Petition: Shut Down Slaughter Houses In UP Cancelling Their License

Published: 17.05.2011
Updated: 02.07.2015

Sign the petition:

Your Government has issued licenses for establishment of new slaughter houses in the state of Uttar Pradesh. I believe that the complete facts have not been given to you on the issue else you would have not given your approval. Therefore, I would like to put some concern before you:

No economic benefits can be derived by killing of innocent animals by the people or the Govt except the Company, which is involved. I would rather say that your Government can earn 5-10 times more benefits by the conservation of these creatures of the God in comparison to export of their meat (kindly analyze the data release by Central Statistical Organisation, GOI, 2009). Cattle are the life line of villagers, they give milk, dung for fuel, manure for farming, and transportation for villagers, conservation of environment etc. They are useful in many other ways.

Moreover, slaughterhouses are big threat to the environment. The whole world has accepted this fact and moving towards greener path and adopting vegetarian die to control Global warming. Many nations have started closing of slaughter houses; India is the land of Mahavira, Gautam Buddha, Ram-Krishna, who taught us the lesson of Ahimsa. Jain Muni Maitriprabh Sagar ji is on his Fast unto death at Baraut, Baagpat since last many days in protest of licenses to new slaughter houses, you should be aware. I am aware that you have great respect towards sadhus and Indian culture of Ahimsa/jeevdaya. Naresh Kadyan, representative of the International Organisation for Animal Protection - OIPA in India and founder chairman of the People for Animals (PFA) Haryana extend his full support to the cause.

We request you to look into the matter and ask the concerned department to reconsider their decision and withdraw it. Please cancel the new licenses of slaughter houses with immediate effect. I am sure that your stand to promote Ahimsa/Jeevdaya will bring you greater support and honour from the Aam Aadmi.

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Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Ahimsa
  2. Baraut
  3. Buddha
  4. Environment
  5. Haryana
  6. Mahavira
  7. Muni
  8. Pradesh
  9. Sadhus
  10. Sagar
  11. Uttar Pradesh
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