Young Jains UK
The Winning Mindset - Young Jains Convention 2012
20 - 22 July 2012
Canons High School, Edgware,
London, UK
When two athletes with the same physical attributes and training at the top of their game compete, why is it that one gets gold and the other gets silver? The difference is the winning mindset - the courage, confidence, conviction and certainty that’s required to succeed.
Our day-to-day lives are filled with uncertainty, worry and discontentment. We’re constantly winging from high to low in the experiences we encounter. Join us at the upcoming Young Jains Convention where, together, we will explore how to build this winning mindset using the principles of the timeless Jain tradition.
You will discover how a simple shift in attitude, without even changing your actions, can help you focus on the critical things that really matter; transcend your material existence and come into contact with your true self to achieve lasting bliss.
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