Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, India
The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, established in memory of Smt. Indira Gandhi, is visualised as a centre encompassing the study and experience of all the arts - each form with its own integrity, yet within a dimension of mutual interdependence, interrelated with nature, social structure and cosmology.
The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) was established in 1987 as an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Culture, as a centre for research, academic pursuit and dissemination in the field of the arts. The Arts' encompass a wide range of subjects - from archaeology and anthropology to the visual and performing arts, enveloping them in a complementary and non-demarcated vision. In its functioning, the IGNCA has met its mandate and continues to work in this direction.
The IGNCA has six functional units - Kala Nidhi, the multi-form library; Kala Kosa, devoted mainly to the study and publication of fundamental texts in Indian languages; Janapada Sampada, engaged in lifestyle studies; Kaladarsana, the executive unit which transforms researches and studies emanating from the IGNCA into visible forms through exhibitions; Cultural Informatics Lab, which applies technology tools for cultural preservation and propagation; and Sutradhara, the administrative section that acts as a spine supporting and coordinating all the activities. The Member Secretary is the Executive head of both academic and administrative divisions. The IGNCA has a trust (Board of Trustees), which meets regularly to give general direction about the Centre's work. The Executive Committee, drawn from among the Trustees, functions under a Chairman. The Committee acts as a link between the Trust and the IGNCA.