ShortNews in English
Tapara: 16.02.2013Glimpse of 16th February at Tapara in Presence of Acharya Mahashraman
1. Acharya Mahashraman is Giving Pravachan
2. Acharya Mahashraman is Addressing Devotees. Hiralal Malu President of Mahasabha is sitting in Front Row.
3. Acharya Mahashraman Addressed Sangh to Give Honor to Maryada
4. One Monk is Expressing His Views
5. One Monk is Expressing His Views
6. Mahila Mandal Showing all 148 Places on Placards Where Maryada Mahotsav Held in Past
7. Mumukshu Sisters are Presenting Songs
8. Mahila Mandal Presented Song with Informing Places of All past Maryada Mahotsav
9. Acharya Mahashraman is Entering in Pravachan Hall.
आज की झलकियां: 16.02.13, टापरा, JTN Bureau
टापरा.16.02.13. कल सुयास्र्त से देर रात तक टापरा में बारिश हुई. 149वे मर्यादा महोत्सव का कल आगाज हआ एवं चाकरी घोषणा की गयी.