This is my immense pleasure to inform you that the 16th World Sanskrit Conference would be organised and hosted by Sanskrit Studies Centre, Silpakorn University in 2015 (June 28-July 02) in collaboration with International Association of Sanskrit Studies (IASS).
This Conference which attracts scholars from various fields related to Sanskrit throughout the world, offers the largest academic platform to interact with scholars on subjects as reflected in the sections mentioned in the First Announcement of the Conference: ( You are most welcome to join us through online submission:
The online registration form also includes the choice of post-conference Angkor Vat Trip. An early registration will be appreciated which would facilitate us in making arrangements.Your interest in the field is widely known and therefore we not only expect your participation but your inspiration to others to join the Conference. Further details about the Conference would be posted time to time on
Finally, I would be happy if you pass this information to other individual scholars for their personal attention. A file of the Conference Poster is attached herewith. We would appreciate if you pass it on to other Sanskrit|Indology related scholars.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
16th World Sanskrit Conference, 2015
Sanskrit Studies Centre,
Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand