Jain Center of Greater Boston
Jai Jinendra,
With the arrival of spring just around the corner, we are getting ready to hold the first event of our Jain Center - Mahavir Jayanti. I invite the entire JCGB sangh to come and celebrate the Mahavir Jayanti Parva on Saturday, April 11, starting at 2:30 p.m. at the derasar. The program will consist of the celebration of Mata Trishala's dreams, presentation and exhibits by Pathshala students, and salutation of students graduating from Pathshala. Dinner will be served following the program. If you plan to come, please RSVP so that we can make proper arrangements for the dinner (Click here to RSVP).
Swapna Boli during the Mahavir Jayanti program is a major part of fundraising for the Jain Center. Please support the Jain Center by sponsoring a swapna, the phool (flower) mala, or the gold mala for each swapna. This year, as usual, you can sponsor some Swapna's on a first come, first served basis at a fixed donation amount. You can find the availability of a swapana by checking the Swapna Boli sheet (Click here for Swapna Boli sheet). Please contact Chintan Shah (Tel: 608-217-4807, email: ) to sponsor a swapna, the phool (flower) mala, or the gold mala for each swapna.Executive Committee we will be pushing the following items during the Mahavir Jayanti program:
- Membership Renewal - Membership forms, prefilled with member information, will be available. Please pick your form from the Secretary (Supriya Doshi), correct any error, sign the form and return it to the Secretary.
- Swamivatsalya - Please make your annual, $55 per family, voluntary contribution to the Jain Center to cover the cost of food service during 2015.
- Distinguished Donor Gold - DDGs of the Jain Center contribute $250 per year to defray our sangh's annual operating costs such as utilities, maintenance, snow removal, pathshala etc. I request current DDG families to continue, and urge other families to become DDGs to help support and sustain the Jain Center.
JCGB now accepts donations and payment via Paypal. You can make donations, make swamivatsalya payment, Pathshala registration fee, etc. online (Click here for donation/payment page). For your convenience, we will also have a credit card reader available at the Mahavir Jayanti program to make donations/payments.
Please contact any member of the EC if you have a question, feedback or suggestion.
We look forward to your presence at the Mahavir Jayanti program on Saturday, April 11 starting at 2:30 p.m.
Dilip Jain
M: 401-323-6547