45. A Sermon-Desana Delivered To Eighteen Kings
A detached (Vitaraga) Tirthamkara delivers a sermon for three hours daily from the day he attains absolute knowledge (Kevala Jnana). This deed of benevolence to embodied souls done by delivering a sermon is Pravachan pose (the first finger touching the thumb.) Not only the common men but the kings and the emperors also were his devotees. Of all his devotees Srenika the king of Magadha was one of the foremost. After hearing the sermon delivered by Bhagavan he left Buddhism and accepted Jainism. He became a fond devotee of Bhagavan after attending his sermons. All his nerves and vitality were absorbed in Bhagavan Mahavira by reciting his name. His whole life was absorbed in Bhagavan Mahavira by his unique dedication, devotion and worship. After thousand of years Srenika will be born as Tirthamkara. He will be just like Bhagavan Mahavira in all respects.