Operation of intercalation (which is a kind of Karaṇa (3) i.e., operation of spiritual energy);
the total 'absence of the enjoyment (even in the state of Pradeśodaya (innocuous realization of the karmic matter)) of the dalikas (quantum) qua mithyātvamohanīya (view-deluding Karma responsible for perverse faith)', i.e., total subsidence. In the first instant of the intercalated period begins the (dawn of) right faith due to subsidence (of the relevant Karma), lasting less than a Muhūrta (i.e., forty-eight minutes).
tadvedyābhāvaścāntarakaraṇaṃ. tasya prathame kṣaṇe āntarmaidiūrtikamaupaśamikasamyaktvaṃ bhavati.(Jaisidī 5.8 Vṛ)
- Anivṛttikaraṇa