
Published: 14.10.2016
  1. Material aggregates, belonging to the Karmavargaṇā (class of material clusters qua Karma), which are possessed of the potentiality of getting transformed into Karma, on being attracted by the activates of the soul.
ātmapravrttyākṛṣṭāstatprāyogyapudgalāḥ karma.

(Jaisidī 4.1)

  1. The actions such as throwing upwards etc.
karma- utkṣepaṇāpakṣepaṇādi.

(Bhaga 1.146 Vṛ)


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Jaina Pāribhāṣika Śabdakośa
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  1. JAINA
  2. Jaina
  3. Jaina Pāribhāṣika Śabdakośa
  4. Karma
  5. Soul
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