
Published: 16.05.2005
Updated: 03.12.2011
  • Atma, Atman
  • Jiva

According to Jaina philosophy the soul is one of the six realities that constitute this universe and has three properties:

  1. It undergoes transformation and changes its form. Each form is called a paryaya.
  2. It has the property of destruction, one form destroyed the other originates.
  3. In the process of transformation and destruction the intrinsic nature of the reality is preserved. Its basic characteristic is permanent and not altered.

All souls are alike except for the Karma body which differs. This means that every soul is at a different stage of development. Full development means liberation or emancipation of the soul.


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  1. Atma
  2. Atman
  3. Body
  4. JAINA
  5. Jaina
  6. Jiva
  7. Karma
  8. Karma Body
  9. Paryaya
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