The Karma-prakṛti (type of Karma) with reverse order of elimination of bondage and rise- those sub-types of Karma, the udaya-vyavaccheda (elimination of rise) of which takes place prior to its baṅdha-vyavaccheda (elimination of bondage); e.g., Ayaśaḥkīrtināma (i.e., the Nāma Karma responsible for one's defamation), Vaikriyaśartranāma (i.e., the Nāma Karma responsible for obtaining protean body) etc...
pūrmudayaḥ paścābandha ityevamutkrameṇa vyavacchidyamānau bandhodayau yāsāṃ tāḥ utkramavyavacchidyamānabandhodayāḥ.
(Kapra p.42)