Expansion (projection) of soul-units (outside the body) by the omniscient soul- A type of Samudghāta (expansion of the soul-units beyond the body);
it occurs to equalise the duration and quanta of the Vedanīya (feeling-producing), Nāma (body- making) and Gotra (status-determining) Karmas with those of the Āyuṣya (life-span-determining) Karma (the former being larger).
jassa puna thovamāum havejja sesam tiyarn ca bahutarayam.
tam tena samīkurue gamtiīna jino samugghayam...
(ViBhā 3043)
kevalisamudghāto vedanīyanāmagotrāśrayah.
(Sama 7.2 Vṛ Pa 13)
Kevalisamugghāe......atthasamaie pannatte, tam jahā- padhame samae damdam karei, bīe samae kavādam karei, taie samae mamtham karei, cautthe samae loyampūrei, parncame samae loyaifi padisāharai, chatthe samae mamtham padisāharai, sattame samae kavādam padisāharai, atthame samae damdam padisāharai, padisāharittā sarīratthe bhavai...
(Aupa 174)