15.05.2017 ►Acharya Shri VidyaSagar Ji Maharaj ke bhakt ►News

Published: 15.05.2017
Updated: 16.05.2017


Did you know #DusLakshan renders trice in a Year. #UttamKshama

“He who has the potential shall be equally forgiving, while the weaker would tend to be short tempered.”

Uttama Kshama/ Forbearance:
In our day to day life, one may find himself in circumstances which are likely to arouse his wrath. We are faced with many situations everyday where it is to lose our temper. Inspite of such provocations, one must avoid emotional disturbance and maintain peace of mind. Maintaining patience in the midst of provocatiosn is called Kashama or forbearance.
To forgive is our true nature but what causes anomaly to this nature of ours needs to be given some thought. While absence of anger (Krodh) is the most perfect form of Kshama, if at all one gets angry, how quickly does one eliminate this feeling is the measure of one’s potential. One who is mighty would always follow Forbearance while one who shows his anger would be as weak. Although it might appear that someone who terrorizes others is very mighty or powerful but the truth is that the extent to which you live your life with love& affection shows the degree of power you possess. Now let’s see how this power to forgive (which is our true nature) has been transformed into our weakness?

Reason of Anger - Unfulfilled Expectations
In what state do we get angry? There is only one state - when our expectations are not fulfilled. While we appear to be a very loving person till our expectations are fulfilled, we start showing our true colors when our expectations are not met. The more expectations you have, more likely you are to get angry. And by doing this we are destroying our own lives.
While we practice Kshama (forbearance) in our lives, it is very different kind of Kshama. We practice it due to our limitations. For example, you are crossing a crowded road & someone bumps into you. If he is a weak person, you’d get into an argument with him & try to intimidate him. On the contrary if he’s stronger than you, you’d simply keep quiet or smile& say “It’s okay Sir, it happens all the time!” We practice it due to our selfishness or helplessness. For example, you do not get angry on a customer who has asked you to show 50 items to him & finally walks away saying “I might come some other time, didn’t like any of those.” Or else you’d be not be doing a good business.
We also practice Kshama to get honour. “Wow! What a forgiving person. You may say anything but he never gets angry”. We might practice Kshama keeping in mind some Mundane gains.
But this kind of Kshama is not a true indicator of our internal potential. These are simply results of our seasoned minds. Let’s see if we can actually enhance our potential & attain true nature of Forgiveness. Everyone says “one should not get angry” but Jain Dharma goes a step beyond & tells us what to do when we get angry. Let’s look at the solutions to Anger so that when we get angry we can use these solutions.

Develop Positive Thinking & Get Rid of Negative Thoughts:
For any event that’s happening in front of us, if we think about the shortcomings in it, we cannot escape and get angry. If we think about the good things that are taking place with it, we will surely be delighted & maintain our peace. We have a tendency to look at what’s going wrong in a particular situation, and hence, more often than not end up, being ominous & angry. But we shall resolve to eliminate all negative thoughts from our lives & start developing positive thinking which will lead us to attain the potential to forgive.
Don’t add Fuel to the fire:
Second solution to anger is to try & make the situation light. Always make sure you do not add fuel to anger & if someone else tries to do that just move away. Anger is a form of energy that can be extended by you or someone else, in which case we shouldn’t give anger a chance to increase. If we add negative thoughts to Anger it will be prolonged. Hence we have to decide, if at all we get angry till when do we have to be angry & what shall be the intensity of our anger. Everyone gets angry but if we are able to reduce its intensity (dilute it) then we have done our job. Let’s try to understand this with an example.

A person came to father of famous Hindi writer Kanhaiyalal Mishra “Prabhakar” early in the morning and for no apparent reasons started abusing him. While that person is abusing him, but he kept smiling throughout and didn’t lose his cool. Now if you are abusing someone & the other person keeps smiling then it’s nothing but usual that you may get angrier.

Sensing this Mr. Mishra stopped smiling and said calmly “Listen Sir, if you have said all you wanted to say then let’s go & take a walk across the street.”
To this, the person said - “what do you mean?”
“I mean let’s take a walk, till the corner of the road.”
“What’s there on the corner of the road?”
“There’s a Akhara (wrestling club).”
“What do you mean by Akhara (wrestling club).”
“See, you are in a mood to fight, so I’ll get someone there who can match you, because as you can see I am a weak!”

Listening to this, all the anger that person had was gone & he started smiling. To this Mr. Mishra said “That’s all to the corner of the road. Now that you are no longer in a mood to fight, let’s have a cup of tea together”. Now what do we see here? Here the other person tried to add the fuel, gave it a spark too but you are cautious all the time to pour water on the fire. That’s how you shall be prepared to make the moment light when there are all chances to get angry.
I will keep Quiet:
This is a bit tough. If positive thinking is not working & you are not able to think of an alternate solution & energy can only be lightened by getting into an altercation, you really want to berate the other person then there’s only one thing I have to do & that’s to keep quiet. Because if you say a few things& the other person also says a few things then there are more chances of the argument taking a bigger shape & it’s difficult to handle such a situation. If I keep quiet then the external situation will be automatically quietened & internal disturbance will also subside in some time. Even the most intense arousal of anger cannot last more than forty eight minutes.

One more solution; Learn to Love:
Develop a little bit of love towards one & all because one who’s mind is filled with true love cannot be angry with anyone. And one who gets angry cannot love.
The Projection Technique: Every person has someone in his life in front of which he doesn’t want to express his anger. He wants to present his best image in front of that person. It could be someone dear, it could be your Guru or for some it could be God (Bhagwan). Howsoever angry we may be, if that person comes in front of us, we would try to hide our anger; try to justify ourselves and in fact try to give up our anger while that person is there. Now what we have to do is to learn to project this person/ place’s image so that when we are angry with anyone, we place our dear one (in front of whom I can never get angry) in place of that person. The more we practice this projection, the earlier we’ll give up on our anger.

To summarize, Kshama (forbearance) comes only to the able-minded & the mighty. True test of Kshama is in a situation when there is every reason to be angry and you have the power and authority to be angry on the other person but you maintain your equanimity and practice Kshama.
Guruvarya Kshamasagarji Maharaj Ki Jay.

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भगवान महावीर स्वामी जी के मोक्ष जाने के बाद कितने अनुबद्ध केवली, श्रुतकेवली हुये??

उत्तर -जब भगवान महावीर स्वामी जी मोक्ष पधारे थे उस समय चतुर्थकाल का तीन वर्ष साढे़ आठ माह का समय शेष था, भगवान महावीर स्वामी जी के मोक्ष जाने के बाद उसी दिन संध्या मे गौतम गणधर जी को केवलग्यान की प्राप्ति हो गयी थी भगवान महावीर स्वामी जी के मोक्ष जाने के पश्चात् 62 वर्ष में तीन अनुबद्ध केवली हुये है पहले केवली गौतम स्वामी जी जिनका समय बारह (12) वर्ष रहा, दूसरे सुधर्माचार्य जी इनका समय भी बारह (12) वर्ष रहा और तीसरे केवली जम्बू स्वामी जी इनका समय अड़तीस (38) वर्ष रहा इस प्रकार बासठ (62) वर्ष मे तीन अनुबद्ध केवली हुये

फिर अगले सौ (100) वर्ष मे पाँच श्रुतकेवली हुये पहले श्री विश्वनंदी जी इनका समय चौदह (14) वर्ष रहा, दुसरे श्रुतकेवली श्री नन्दीमित्र जी इनका समय सौलह (16) वर्ष रहा, फिर तीसरे श्रुतकेवली जी श्री अपराजित जी इनका समय बाईंस (22) वर्ष रहा, चौथे श्रुतकेवली श्री गौवर्धन जी इनका समय उन्नीस (19) वर्ष रहा, और फिर पाँचवे श्रुतकेवली श्री भद्रबाहु जी जिनका समय उनंतीस (29) वर्ष रहा, इस प्रकार सौ वर्षो मे पाँच श्रुतकेवली हुये

फिर इनके पश्चात अगले 183 वर्षो मे ग्यारह अंग और दस पूर्व के धारी ग्यारह मुनि हुये ---- विशाखाचार्य जी, प्रोष्ठिलाचार्य जी, क्षत्रिय जी, जयसेन जी, नागसेन जी, सिद्धार्थ जी, धृतिसेन जी, विजय जी, बुद्धिल जी, गंगदेव जी, धर्मसेन जी

फिर अगले 220 वर्षो के अन्दर ग्यारह अंग के पारगामी पाँच मुनि जी हुये --- नक्षत्र जी, जयपाल जी, पांडुनाम जी, ध्रुवसेन जी, कंसाचार्य जी

इनके बाद अगले 118 वर्षो में एक अंग के धारी चार मुनि हुये--- सुभद्राचार्य जी, यशोभद्र जी, यशोबाहु जी, लोहाचार्य जी

इस प्रकार तीर्थंकर महावीर स्वामी जी के पश्चात 683 वर्षो तक अंगो का ग्यान रहा, इसके पश्चात क्षीण अंग के धारी आचार्य माघनन्दी जी हुये व इनके बाद-- गुणचन्द्राचार्य जी, धरसेनाचार्य जी, पुष्पदंत जी, भूतबली जी, जिनचन्द्र जी, कुन्द कुन्द आचार्य जी, उमास्वामी जी आदि महान महान मुनि हुये है

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News in Hindi

दुनिया में चीजें बदलना आसान, खुद को बदलना कठिन: आचार्य सुनीलसागरजी

सच्चेगुरु की शरण में मनुष्य नेचर (स्वभाव) और सिग्नेचर (हस्ताक्षर) दोनों ही बदल जाते हैं। यह बात आचार्य सुनील सागरजी महाराज ने कही। वे जुना मंदिर परिसर में चल रही प्रवचन माला में गुरुवार को प्रवचन दे रहे थे। उन्होंने कहा कि कौन कहता है कि सिग्नेचर और नेचर परिवर्तित नहीं होता जब चोट हाथ पर लगती है, तो सिग्नेचर बदल जाता हैं और जब गुरुवाणी से मन पर चोट लगती है तो नेचर बदल जाता है। बदलने से सब बदलता है ना बदलना चाहो तो कुछ नहीं बदलता है। बदलने वाले तो दुनिया की रीति-नीति बदल देते हैं। बदलने वाले तो एक ही झटके में बरसों से चल रहे नोट तक बदल देते हैं, बदलने वाले अपनी लंगोट तक नहीं बदल सकते। दुनिया की चीजें बदलना काफी कुछ आसान है लेकिन अपने आप को बदलना बहुत ही कठिन काम है।

उन्होंने कहा कि जिन विकारों में लोभ क्रोध मोह माया में जीव पड़ा हुआ है, उसने ऐसा मान लिया है कि वह बिना इनके जी ही नहीं सकता वह जी सकता है लेकिन इसके लिए उसको अपने आपको बदलना पड़ेगा और बदलना ही तो काफी कठिन है। खुद को हम सुधारना नहीं चाहते और दुनिया सुधारने निकल पड़ते हैं। ऐसा नहीं होना चाहिए जो कड़वी गोली आप दूसरे को खिला रहे हो, पहले खुद भी तो खा कर देखो।

संकलन अभिषेक जैन लुहाडिया रामगंजमंडी

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          Page glossary
          Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
          1. Ahinsa
          2. Anger
          3. Dharma
          4. Digambara
          5. Equanimity
          6. Guru
          7. Jain Dharma
          8. Jainism
          9. JinVaani
          10. Krodh
          11. Kshama
          12. Mishra
          13. Nirgrantha
          14. Nonviolence
          15. Tirthankara
          16. आचार्य
          17. तीर्थंकर
          18. दस
          19. महावीर
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