Jai Jinendra,
It's Springtime!
It's time to have fun!
So we're having a Picnic
and we hope you can come!
Let's get together and enjoy a day full of relaxation, fun, food, games and music!
You are invited to join us for a fun-filled picnic, details follow:
When - Sunday, 15th April, 2018
Time - From 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Where - Moss Park - Pavilion # 2
Adults and Kids(10 and above)- $10
RSVP link - https://goo.gl/forms/24jhapvX99l8dTEJ2
It is essential to RSVP, if you want to attend, because we are going to cater the food (Dosa for lunch & Pizza for Dinner).
JVB Committee