Spiritual Foundation for Developing a New Model of Economic System
Dr. Vinod Kapashi
Dr. Vinod Kapashi remarked that he had been connected to the NGO movement for the past 25 years and it was very recently that he came to know about the existence of a world organization or association of NGOs. NGOs usually offer an alternative viewpoint but he had a conflicting experience working with different NGOs, both international as well as national. He retorted that most of the NGOs have now become ‘Gingos' that is government organized NGOs or ‘Bingos' that is business organized NGOs. So, they are into business from one conference to another and from one project report to another. Those who are adept at writing reports walk away with funds. Those who do not, definitely lack in funds but they do not lack in vision and ideas.
Most of the international organizations like WHO etc. use these activists and some of these NGOs duplicate and even reinvent the will. He raised a question asking how you interpret that you are giving a unified voice to these NGOs. Does it mean repeating like a parrot and saying HIV is equal to AIDS which is equal to death if you do not take antiretroviral therapy and organizing an infinite number of conferences to propagate this idea. If this is being done, then it is doing more harm than good. He said he had himself observed a number of NGOs running into MNCs.
He alleged WHO to have transformed into a pharma mafia. We have forgotten our rich alternative medicine systems- Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Homeopathy, Sidda, Yunani and Acupuncture. In the WHO there is a higher authority called World Health Assembly, which has passed several resolutions that give impetus to alternative medicine, but the pharma controlled WHO kills the very idea of alternative therapy, a holistic healing modality, which Acharya Mahapragya refers to as a total healing of mind, body and soul.
He conceived of an idea of having a People's SAARC, where issues like war, production of armaments and Kashmir would be relegated to the backdrop and people would occupy the forefront.