The Predicament of Women in Ancient India: Specialized Bibliography

Published: 24.06.2008
Updated: 02.07.2015

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  1. Ahimsa
  2. Berlin
  3. Berliner Indologische Studien
  4. Bihar
  5. Buddhism
  6. Calcutta
  7. Chakravarti
  8. Chicago
  9. Delhi
  10. Deva
  11. Haryana
  12. Hinduism
  13. JAINA
  14. Jaina
  15. Jainism
  16. Jina
  17. Jozef Deleu
  18. Khajuraho
  19. London
  20. Mahabharata
  21. Mahavratas
  22. Mana
  23. Manu
  24. Motilal Banarsidass
  25. New Delhi
  26. Orissa
  27. Pride
  28. Purusartha
  29. Rajput
  30. Sanskrit
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