12 October 2008 10:30 am to 12:30pm
A Talk by….Dr. Rashmibhai J. Zaveri
Many of you have the experience of Preksha Meditation but do you know how some ailments can be reduced or even cured.
Come and listen to Rashmibhai Zaveri, the son of a well-known author of various books and publications on Preksha Dhayan.
Rashmibhai has cured his cancer by meditation practice.
There will be a talk on the Basic Principles of Preksha Meditation and he will be emphasise on health issues and our life-style by explaining the effect of meditation on our body, organs, tissues, endocrine system etc.
It will be followed by a short practice of meditation and there will be plenty of time for Questions and Answers.
Do not miss this opportunity to listen to a person who has proved the benefits of meditation and healthy living.
In this age of technology, industrialisation and over-urbanisation, we are constantly subjected to tremendous stresses and tensions. These in turn, produce psychological diseases like hypertension, insomnia and various types of heart diseases. In desperation people take to drinking, drugs and unhealthy eating, which give temporary relief but create more serious problems. The remedy does not lie in drugs or fantasy. The control has to be exercised by knowing how to live properly by eating, drinking, breathing and thinking properly.