Preksha Meditation

Published: 20.01.2004
Updated: 02.07.2015
Preksa meditation, Preksha Dhyan, Preksha Dhyana, Prekshadhyan, Prekshadhyana, Prekshā Dhyān, Prekṣā Dhyāna

Anyone practicing deep breathing with concentration, commitment and sincerity will experience a vibration in the spinal cord. Going deeper into the practice, he will feel something creeping along it. When this happens, he will feel a strange kind of peace and stillness. The whole body gets cool as if he is a hot and tired traveler relaxing under the shadow of a tree. After the practice, just ten or fifteen minutes of slow breathing will free his mind of thought and ambiguities. He enters a state of no-mind.

- H.H. Acharya Mahapragya

Preksha Meditation [Preksha Dhyan] is an universal method for individual solutions, the lost meditation technique of Jainism. It was the former Terapanth Svetambara Jain Muni Nathmal, then Yuvacharya and now Late Acharya Mahapragya, who rediscovered it - supported strongly by his then Acharya Tulsi - in the ancient scriptures in the middle of the 20th century.

He retired into the jungles to practise it, and then rendered it into modern language. With his editorial team consisting of ascetics of the Terapanth order, he matched it with modern science and began to present it in public in the seventies of the past century.

Since then, the thorough research in Eastern Mysticism coupled with Western Science is taught to anyone who wants to live in harmony with his inner powers. It is practised with i.e. pupils and students, administrational employees, researchers, patients recovering from severe heart and other diseases as well as young and healthy people.

Preksha means to perceive and realise the subtlest aspects of ones own self, 'to see the self with the self'. Basically it consists of the perception of the body, the psychic centres, breath and of contemplation processes initiating the process of personal transformation. It is a comprehensive system of meditation exercises for attitudinal change, behavioural modification and integrated development of personality.

The main aim of Preksha meditation is to reach and purify the deeper levels of existence. Regular practice strengthens the immunity system, builds up stamina to resist against ageing process, pollution, chemical toxins, viruses, diseases, food adulteration etc.

Preksha meditation keeps the body healthy and the mind happy. It's easy to learn and practice for all people irrespective of any barriers.


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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. A Handbook of Preksha Meditation for the Trainers
  2. Acharya
  3. Acharya Mahapragya
  4. Acharya Mahaprajna
  5. Acharya Tulsi
  6. An Introduction to Preksha Meditation
  7. Body
  8. Concentration
  9. Contemplation
  10. Dhyan
  11. Dhyana
  12. Jainism
  13. Jethalal S. Zaveri
  14. Mahapragya
  15. Meditation
  16. Muni
  17. Muni Kishan Lal
  18. Muni Nathmal
  19. Perception Of Body
  20. Perception of Psychic Centres
  21. Preksa
  22. Preksha
  23. Preksha Dhyan Magazine
  24. Prof. Muni Mahendra Kumar
  25. Psychic Centres
  26. Psychic Colours
  27. Sadhvi
  28. Sadhvi Vishrut Vibha
  29. Science
  30. Svetambara
  31. Terapanth
  32. Terapanth Svetambara Jain
  33. The Mysteries Of Mind
  34. Transmutation Of Personality Through Preksha Meditation
  35. Tulsi
  36. Why Meditate?
  37. Yuvacharya
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