In his address Muni Shri Prashant Kumarji on 4/11/2008 at Amolak Bhawan, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) said that those who setup their targets in life and remain motivated become power house of creativity. Human beings have immense divine energies- energy of mind, energy of thought, energy of determination and energy of sub-consciousness. We can got maximum out of the energies, if we utilize them properly. Energies don’t get scattered if we channelised them properly. We have to set the target first to achieve success.
To success in life we have to concentrate on a particular point. We should avoid confusion in the mind. The aim gives us an identity. The aim of our life depends on our potential, willpower and ability. Strong determination is an important factor for achievement goals. The doubts, fear, depression and complexities suddenly disappear due to strong determination. There is a close co-ordination between thought and action. We have to exploit the available resource in a planned way to achieve success. We should avoid dissatisfaction as it gives rise to numerous problems. Success depends on hard work, determination & planning. We should never allow negative thought to rule our mind. Low spirits dampen the skills of person. We should keep desire, dreams, discretion discussion and decision while setting up our goals. The basic requirement for setting up and achievement of goal are devotion, dedication discipline, determination and destination.