Excerpt from the daily discourse of Yuvacharya Mahashraman at Shrimad Maghva Samavasaran, Bidasar
14 February 2009
Lots of emotions are waving up & down in a human mind but the wave of attachment & hatred are like the cyclones that can push the man towards the nasty situation. From the time when man matures, he tries to satisfy his physical needs. Those who set the limit can attain the friendship of spiritual intelligence throughout life. Desire has the sky as its limit. When one ends, other takes birth. Desires pressurized the man so tremendously that he forgets the good & bad & tries to satisfy it by any mean & mode.
Explaining the type of desires he said that there are two types of desires - good & bad. Good desires are OK for being satisfied but bad ones are always the roots of problems. To escape from the web of desires, it is necessary to practice daily "Anitya Anupreksha"