Swami Dharmananda, director of Adhyatma Sadhna Kendra in New Delhi and expert of Preksha Meditation and Preksha Yoga is on tour in Europe from May to July! Starting from JVB London he will visit five European countries. Informations on the details of his trip will be available here. Visit to:
London | England | May | 9th to 25th |
Lille | France | May | 26th to 30th |
Antwerp | Belgium | June | 1st to 12th |
Berlin | Germany | June | 13th to 17th |
Vienna | Austria | June | 18th to 24th |
Pisaro | Italy | June | 25th to July 11th |
Details of his visit in
Berlin at Preksha Meditation - Berlin - Germany, Karuna and Aparigraha Jain +49 30 80 58 38 58 contact: