Adversities, "sin"
pāpa (tattva)
Inauspicious or evil karma; it is the demerit in the sense that it produces evil or unfavourable spiritual as well as material conditions such as veiling knowledge etc., and unhappiness etc. when it comes into rise; metaphorically the causes leading to the bondage of pāpa (karma) is also called pāpa, which is of 18 types:
Killing, telling lie, stealing, sexual indulgence, possessing wealth etc., indulging in anger, conceit, deceit, greed, attachment, aversion, quarrel, abuse, backbiting, censure, deceitful untruthfulness, and the thorn of perverted faith;
Being metaphysically a pudgala, pāpa is a modification of ajīva tattva.Pāpa is sub divided into two categories:
1. Pāpānubandhī pāpa,
2. Puṇyānubandhī pāpa.