Mohaniya Karma

Published: 07.03.2005
Updated: 17.01.2012
Mohanīya, Mohanīya karma, Mohniya Karma

Deluding karma

One of the 4 Ghati karma.

It is a type of karma, the rise of which is responsible for destroying the quality of bliss (which is inherent in the soul).

It has two sub-types:


Darśana Mohaniya

distorts the faith,


Cāritra Mohaniya

distorts the conduct.

Unless it is completely annihilated, the soul cannot become free from passions (kasāya) or attain the state of vītarāga; it is the main culprit in the perpetuation of the bondage of karma and extending the mundane state of the soul.


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  1. Cāritra
  2. Darśana
  3. Ghati
  4. Ghati karma
  5. Karma
  6. Mohaniya
  7. Soul
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